Floods in Malawi

Gibson is one of the volunteers that helpful oversee the reconstruction. He is standing in one of the homes destroyed by the floods.

From Dec 2014 – Jan 2015, Malawi experienced some of the longest and heaviest rainfall it had ever seen, resulting in devastating flooding all over the country.

In Jan 2015, it was reported that over 150,000 people had been displaced from their homes and 70 people killed in the floods. Many homes – built primarily of mud and clay – were swept away, or partially destroyed.

A country with 80% of families relying on subsistence agriculture for their basic survival, the heavy rains wiped out the crops in 17 districts.

For the handicapped members of Tidzalerana, where Rebecca has been working this past year, the floods were terrifying as the whole urban slum of Ndirande township (2 minutes from where we live) was affected. In addition to damaged houses and leaking roofs. There was no water or power for days.

Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D) responded to the National Disaster, sending $10,000 for reconstruction efforts for those members of Tidzalerana.

This year, along with 4 volunteers, Rebecca has helped monitor the reconstruction efforts.

Here is a link to YouTube highlighting the great work that has happened because of the generosity of people in Canada.



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