Leading with care adopted

The Assembly overwhelmingly voted to adopt Leading with Care: A Policy for Ensuring a Climate of Safety for Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults. Congregations are expected to implement the policy by July 1, 2006, and presbyteries will oversee this implementation. All congregations will be mailed a copy of the policy, which has been in the works since 2000. Congregations were encouraged to seek the services of David Phillips, who has been working temporarily with the Life and Mission Agency to help congregations understand and implement the policy.
After a hot debate, several commissioners recorded their dissent. Most concerns centred on the ability of small congregations to implement the policy due to a lack of resources, scaring away potential volunteers who may be apprehensive to adhere to some of the requirements, and speculation around whether or not the policy would be able to ensure protection for those who need it. Dorothy Henderson, associate secretary for Christian education, said common sense must be used when implementing Leading with Care.
Motivation for the policy originally came from congregation requests about the church's safety practices, as well as an insurance concern in 2002 that threatened coverage if a more extensive safety policy was not put into place.The policy withstood five years of revisions, lawyer consultations, criticism and suggestions from parishioners, and input from several national church staff.