Morrison heralded

Rev. Ian Morrison
Rev. Ian Morrison

The gentle manner and quiet spirit of Rev. Ian Morrison was heralded in Edmonton, as the General Assembly saluted one of its most-loved members. Morrison will retire as the Life and Mission Agency's General Secretary in September.
"Thank God for the privilege that has been mine to serve in this church that has adopted me as one of its own," he said, addressing the assembly. "Anything I have done to enable the church to be faithful in its witness is because of God. I give God the glory."
Morrison thanked his wife, colleagues at the national office, fellow committee members and his current and former congregations — all of whom have challenged him, supported him, and helped him along the way since immigrating to Canada from Scotland in 1957.
His faithful service to the church, as well as his low-key style of leadership impressed many. "Just when you think there's nothing left to say, a quiet voice is heard offering a challenge that forces us to re-think our position," said Glynnis Williams, who works with refugees in Montreal. "The church is better for it."