Making ministry your career

You want to walk the walk not just talk the talk. There are lots of ways to serve. Below are some to consider, along with the education or training you will need.

Minister of Word and Sacrament

Bachelor of Divinity; Ordination or Certified for Ordination in the Presbyterian Church

Music Director

Training and experience in church music, ability to arrange, direct and coordinate musical gifts of congregation

Child and Youth Ministry

Committed Christian, experience with youth, willing to accept the beliefs of the Presbyterian Church

Camp Director

Several years senior camp leadership experience, undergraduate degree in related discipline: Outdoor Recreation, BEd, BDiv; ordained minister often preferred

Coordinator of Educational Ministries

Member of the Order of Diaconal Ministries or have comparable training or experience; have been a professing member of the PCC for five years; be trained in Christian Education and a member of Association of Presbyterian Church Educators

Christian Education Coordinator

Preference for a post-secondary graduate, in field such as Education or related discipline

Director of Outreach Programs

Undergraduate degree or college diploma in a relevant discipline, or equivalent experience; Master of Divinity an asset

Pension and Benefits Clerk

Community college degree in Administration or Records Management (or equivalent)

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