We have His whole world in our hands : Environmental awareness resources

The Presbyterian Church's Social Handbook

Energy workbook for religious buildings

City of Toronto

Manitoba Hydro's Power Smart for Business

Nova Scotia's Ministry of Energy

On Lightbulbs, Polar Bears and the Earth's Future

Seven Steps to Power Savings

U.S. Energy Star

God's People, God's Planet: Living Lightly on the Earth
by Erin Crisfield
a 2001 mission resource created for the PCC

Greening Congregations Handbook: Stories, Ideas and Resources for Cultivating Creation Awareness and Care in Your Congregation
by Earth Ministry
helps congregations develop an enduring, creation-honouring focus within all dimensions of congregational life

Footprint Files: Ideas To Help Congregations Care for Creation And Reduce Their Footprint
by Susan Gage, Briony Penn, Cory Waters and Peggy Wilmot,
the Diocese of British Columbia, Anglican Church of Canada

Super, Natural Christians: How We Should Love Nature
by Sallie McFague

Life Abundant: Rethinking Theology and Economy for a Planet in Peril
by Sallie McFague

Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the Earth
by Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees

The Sacred Balance
by David Suzuki and Amanda McConnel

Faith and the Common Good
A Canadian, multi-faith organization working towards finding common ground in world issues. They present a series of workshops on greening sacred spaces for interested communities. Their latest initiative is Renewing the Sacred Balance

 Contact Janette McIntosh, elder at West Point Grey, Vancouver, at janettem@telus.net for more congregation-based initiatives.
 – Joel Coppieters and Amy MacLachlan