For the youth, by the youth

Darlene McLeod and Pollyanna Versteeg perform a worship skit.
Darlene McLeod and Pollyanna Versteeg perform a worship skit.

For 10 years now, the youth of the Presbytery of Ottawa have been joining together for a monthly youth worship service. These services began in 1996 as a way of connecting youth and youth groups within the presbytery so that they might hear about Jesus and the Christian faith in a way that is understandable and relevant to them. It was also the hope of Blair Bertrand, then youth leader at Westminster and a key instigator of the Ottawa services, to keep youth connected to an ongoing community of worship in between the spiritual highs youth often experience at summer camp and youth retreats. These services were not meant to compete with regular Sunday morning worship, but rather to give youth the opportunity to experiment with the experience of worship.

Michelle Ball on violin and Michael Munnik on bazouki.
Michelle Ball on violin and Michael Munnik on bazouki.

The services have evolved since the beginning, but on the whole, the format and goals have remained the same. These services are still planned by youth, and with youth in mind. Every week, the planning team, made up of high school students, university students and adult advisors, meets to share a meal and to prepare for the month's service. They choose a theme, balancing the school calendar and the church calendar, and delve into scripture to listen for God's word on the subject. They then develop skits and readings to express and interpret the month's theme. The praise band also meets weekly to choose and rehearse songs appropriate to the theme. The band has an eclectic take on praise music, using and reinterpreting old familiar hymns, introducing newer songs by popular Christian artists and, recently, writing their own songs. These two groups not only prepare and provide an atmosphere of worship that brings glory to God, but also small group settings where youth can share and discuss their own faith. These settings build Christian community by developing relationships and gifts among the youth and helping youth and leaders live more fully for God. – Katie Munnik is the director of youth worship for the Presbytery of Ottawa.