134th General Assembly : Sailing with the spirit


“We are standing here because of the gospel which met us 160 years ago," said Vanuatu-native Rev. George Aki to commissioners at this year's General Assembly.
As Moderator of the General Assembly of Vanuatu, Aki made the trip to Canada along with Rev. Kalsakau Urtalo in order to celebrate 160 years of being in relationship with The Presbyterian Church in Canada.
Aki expressed gratefulness for the "faith of the missionaries of your Church who came to share and witness to our people." He made specific reference to Presbyterian minister John Geddie, who left Canada in 1846 to share the gospel message with the people of Vanuatu. Aki recalled Geddie's words upon leaving Canada: "I go forth with a resolve in the strength of grace to devote my soul, my body, my all to my Redeemer's service and glory."
Urtalo, Assembly Clerk of the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu offered a handmade sailboat to the Canadian Moderator. "We have a gift and this gift is in the church," he said. "The boat cannot sail without the power of the wind; we believe it's the wind of the Holy Spirit of God that took you to sail from your country across the ocean to where our island is. We want to give this boat to you as a reminder of the Spirit which brought us back to you."
Moderator Cheol Soon Park took the boat, embraced the men, then turned to the commissioners and said, "It took these men 22 hours to get to Toronto and then five hours of driving to get here; it took our missionaries two years to get to Vanuatu 160 years ago.
"We are reminded by this wonderful gift what the Great Commission is about. Go forth and commit yourself to this purpose."