Youth 2008 : Commitment and Joy

IN THE FIRST chapter of Jeremiah, the prophet declares: "Do not say, 'I am only a youth;' for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord." Jer. 1:7-8
What's Your Mission has been the general theme for young adult events in the Synod of Alberta and the Northwest for the past three years. It's part of a vision to bring young adults together in a network that builds community and invites them to explore their identity, calling and faith. In November 2006 we held our first retreat with workshops on the topics of Water: Life Before Profit, Restorative Justice and Partnerships with Aboriginal Communities.
In 2007 individuals from Edmonton agreed to take the lead in planning. We created the theme Hands-On-Mission-What Can You Do To Make A Difference? Our goal for the weekend was to build community among young adults, nurture their faith formation, develop a mission consciousness and encourage them to be active witnesses in the world. We spent time reflecting theologically, and engaged in small group discussion on issues of Healing and Reconciliation with Aboriginal peoples, Edmonton Urban Native Ministry and Amnesty International.
In 2008 we hope young adults will facilitate another gathering with a focus on HIV and AIDS as well as poverty. At the 16th International AIDS Conference, the Toronto YouthForce challenged participants to get youth involved in the next IAC in Mexico. Covenants were posted in the Global Village by world leaders such as Stephen Lewis (Former UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa), Mary Robinson (Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights), Mark Wainberg (Co-Chair of the XVI International AIDS Conference) and many others. Dr. Peter Piot, Executive Director and Under-Secretary General of UNAIDS promised: "I commit to ensuring that the UN system will get its act together and respond cohesively to safeguard the rights of young people. I will promote inclusion of young people at the decision-making table in issues that affect their lives. I will also start a youth internship program at UNAIDS."
The Synod of Alberta and the Northwest accepted the Toronto YouthForce challenge and has been able to help with registration costs for four young adults. Our original vision has grown and more funding was made possible through the Presbyterian Church in Canada to increase the number of participants from across the county. These young adults come from various academic backgrounds and will attend the Ecumenical Pre-Conference entitled, Faith in Action Now! and then the 17th International AIDS Conference.
Another recent initiative called the Synod Youth Forum was created last year. Invitations were sent to all four presbyteries to send two youth to attend the meeting. They met prior to the gathering of the court and reviewed some of the concerns of the church. Then they participated in the meeting, expressing their points of view.
In the church we are called to connect young people to mission in order to discover their gifts and calling. The whole body of Christ benefits from this interaction as we see the strength and compassion of young people grow as they are active in leadership and service. Their enthusiasm and passion in turn touches our hearts and acts as a catalyst for us to respond with courage, commitment and joy.