Youth 2008 : Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved in mission locally and abroad. Hear are some quick suggestions.

  • Find out what your local congregation is doing to minister to the community's need (food banks, Out of the Cold, drop-in centres).
  • Find out what your church is doing on a national or international level (mission trip, fundraising, collecting needed supplies).
  • Support PWS&D and Presbyterians Sharing;
  • Attend the Canada Youth 2009 conference Mission Branch (
  • YIM/Education for mission has many trips, exposure tours and internships listed on their web page.
  • Consider going on a long-term mission experience with International ministries.
  • God calls us all, young and not so young, to mission fields near and far. It is up to you to answer. Whatever God is calling you to do, respond with passion, hope and love.