Youth 2008 : Hope from Chaos


THE MISSION to Gautier, Mississippi was the most amazing experience. Those 10 days were the most challenging, yet rewarding of my life. I cannot even begin to describe the overwhelming emotion I felt when visiting the coast or talking with the homeowners of the house we were working in. For them everyday is a constant reminder of what they lost and the pain they endured. Sometimes living in a trailer in your backyard for two years can cause you to lose hope.
The slogan for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, a partner of the PCC, is Out of Chaos, Hope. Upon arrival in Mississippi our group agreed that it was a good slogan. However, by the end of the week we began to realize how true it was. As we started preparing to put a final coat of paint on the walls the homeowner was overcome and started to cry. As I stood crying with her she told me how she didn't think she deserved something so wonderful and how she never thought she'd see the day when the room would be finished. At that point I knew that she could see the light at the end of the tunnel and it made everything worthwhile. It had been a long journey, but she could see the progress and was so grateful for our help in getting there. For me this mission was more than just building a home. In reality we were helping to rebuild their lives and give them hope in order to complete the journey.
Not only were we helping them, but also they were helping us. Mission is a partnership. I learned so much from the homeowners about generosity, faith, strength and humanity in general. I feel so blessed to have met them and know they were so welcoming. We had a great connection with them, which made it more rewarding knowing who was benefiting from our work. It was like building a house for friends. I was very grateful for the singing and laughter we shared.
The devastation is unreal. Pictures do not compare to the sights. I can't even begin to think about what people lost and the pain they are going through. There was rebuilding but I never expected that so many homes would be seemingly untouched after two years. Because so much time has passed we tend to forget about disasters like this, but these people live through it every hour. It's difficult to fathom that wind and rain can cause so much destruction. It really put life into perspective and taught me not to take things for granted. Everything these people had worked for was swept away in a matter of minutes and there was nothing they could do about it.
We met so many wonderful people, and every single one of them was thankful for our arrival. I did not expect such a gracious reception. Although there had been so much devastation some people had been very resilient. Witnessing their strength, determination, and hope was truly inspiring.
I feel so blessed to have made new friendships, learned so many new things, and created great memories that I will carry with me forever. It was a life-changing experience. All the blood, sweat, and tears that went into this mission were worth it and I will never forget this opportunity as long as I live.