A True Partnership

Brothers and sisters, we started this journey of partnership between the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria and the Canadian Presbyterian Church many years ago. During this period, you have made many and varied contributions to the Presbyterian witness and growth in our nation, Nigeria. We can recall with delight and pride the labour and sacrifice of men and women like: E. H. Johnson, Agnes Gollan, Dorothy Bulmer, Walter McLean, Majorie Ross, Earl Roberts, Russell Hall, Donald MacKay, Arlene (Randall) Onuoha, Rick Fee, among many others. We cannot forget them and their contributions in the hurry. You gave us so much in a visible manner: love, support, hope and faith for the future. The impact of your contribution towards spreading the gospel in the fields of education, health care delivery and administration are still living testimonies with us which cannot be easily forgotten.

—Rev. Dr. Ubon Bassey Usung, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria