The Good Land

I am reminded of the story found in Numbers 13. Here we are at assembly and… we see that although the land is good, there are giants and great struggles ahead. The road is not going to be easy. But I believe there is good news for us in the story that I have mentioned. The good news is that God has not and will not abandon His people.

And although the temptation may be to return to the old way of things or to simply preserve what we have left, God’s word tells us to not be afraid nor discouraged, but to press onward. We are a people rooted and built up in the living Christ. We are a people called to branch out to the widow and the orphan.

Finally, we are a people called to new growth; to new life. It is my prayer that we would accept this challenge that lies before us. That despite the giants living in the land, we would press onward. That we would not be discouraged, but that the love of God, the peace of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit would fill each of our hearts. Amen.

—Sarah Thompson, student representative, Presbyterian College