Pop Christianity


I have been blessed to play with these kids in a really fun amusement park. I’m going to miss the daily engagement with them all. I’m going to miss having this bully pulpit. And I’m going to miss hanging with all of you.

Rhythm for Rhythm

When I asked a fellow tourist from Dublin what she thought of Hanoi, she exclaimed, “I crossed the street!” We laughed because it is an accomplishment.

On Belonging

Early in ‘72 Dad had to go to Yemen where he had a job through the United Nations. The Sunday before he left, he made an announcement at the start of worship: “I have to go away for work and I’m leaving my family in your care.”

A Closed Triangle

This is a snapshot of a typical Protestant congregation today, which is likely to have more people attending on a Sunday who have no strong denominational ties.

What We’re Really Talking About

“This is about more than sex. This is about: What is God? What is God’s character? What is sin? It affects our doctrine of God. It affects our doctrine of sin. It affects our doctrine of scripture.”

A Little Guarded

Two stalwart members walked by and one said to the other, “I think I’ll sit beside you today, somebody’s sitting in my pew.” I could see the couples’ shoulders tense.

The Wide Boulevard

Letter One: “I did not know that the Presbyterian Record and staff are supporters of the Liberal Party of Canada by having political articles in there [sic] magazine.”

Desperate Rituals

July I went to a Dionysian wedding. Dionysian?, you ask. Sure; that’s what they said. It was an attempt to create a new ritual where confidence and faith in old rituals had disappeared.

Disagreeing Friends

As a liberal I’m very critical of the smugness of liberals. As a liberal I’m also critical of the holier-than-thouness of evangelicals. Both these poses drive me absolutely batty.

Rest and Respond

I spent some time in January reading the11 issues of last year’s Record. Perhaps it was the frame of mind I was in but I noted a narrative that echoed from issue to issue.