Off to Dangtu tomorrow

It seems hard to believe how much we have packed into these few days.  I personally have enjoyed the morning devotions, that have fed my spirit and reminded me of the reason I am here.  We have had large group sessions that taught us about Chinese culture, what we might expect in our placements and helped us to better understand Amity and NGOs in China.   We have also had smaller group sessions focused on expectations and tips for teaching.  And to round our days out we have spent some time experiencing Nanjing. 

Yesterday we went to see a part of the Nanjing wall that has sections that were built in 300 BCE.  After a brief walking tour, we boarded boats and travelled along the canal.  It was interesting to see the city from the water.  There has been so much rain that the water level has overflowed the canal structure.  Willow trees appear to be planted under water.   We learned about the history of Nanjing from a guide on the boat.  This side trip was both informative and a refreshing change from the meeting rooms. 

Today we finished our sessions, then headed out to the Amity offices for our closing worship and communion. We had time for a brief walking tour of Nanjing University Campus.  After a dinner at a local restaurant we returned to have team meetings and pack for our travel tomorrow. 

Debbie, Don and I will travel by van to our teaching site in the morning.  Then our work will begin in earnest.  We are looking forward to meeting with the teachers who will be our students, our hosts and the officials for the district.  We hope and pray that our time there will be meaningful for all.

Today we had a group picture taken in front of our hotel.  People walking by stopped and took our picture as we were having the official picture taken! 

Many of us are a under the weather, mainly with colds.  We all would appreciate your continued prayers for our health and safety as we travel.  We are blessed by the knowledge that God is with us, and God has gone before us as we travel.  I hope to update when we are settled in Dangtu which is just outside of Ma’anshan. 

Blessings, Jan Hazlett

One thought on “Off to Dangtu tomorrow”

  1. Hey Jan, we are receiving your blogs, no problem. It is great to follow your adventure day by day. Our love and prayers go with you.


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