End of First week of classes

Today we went to class in a torrential downpour.  It was hard to hear sometimes in class because of the noise from the rain, but this afternoon the sun tried to shine through the cloud, the rain stopped and we were able to enjoy some time outside.

We have finished our first week of classes.  It has been a time of learning for all of us.  Although at first our students were reticent to use their English, they are increasing in confidence.  We are enjoying the students’ humour and they are beginning to understand us better each day. We are still struggling with the technology, but with John’s suggestions from home, we are enjoying a measure of success. (Thanks John!)

Last Sunday we went to a large church and theological centre in Dangtu.  The first hymn was “This is my Father’s world” so we felt right at home!  This was the first time that our translator had been to church and he was very interested. Don and I had purchased English/Chinese bibles in Nanjing and they were helpful as we were in the service.  A young woman preached on Zaccheus, and in the middle of a downpour she said, we may not be able to control the weather, but we can control our hearts and our minds. She went on to exhort all those present to follow Jesus ways in all of life, even when it is difficult.  Afterward we met with the minister and a representative from the religioun bureau of Dangtu.  The minister sends greetings to Canada and the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and appreciates our prayers and support. He also offered the prayers of his people for our church in Canada. We look forward to going to church again this weekend.

This week in my classes I have been sharing about what I do as a minister.  The students were interested as they had no idea what a “minister” might do.  Through the miracle of internet, John sent some pictures of St. Andrew’s Calgary and my office. I brought a picture of me at a baptism in my robes with a baby in my arms.  This allowed me to explain about baptism.  When I explained about the words we use in Baptism, many of the students found them familiar.  They were interested in the pictures I had of the youth group!  Again the Bible in two languages has been helpful.  As I share about my life, the students have shared about theirs and I am learning a lot! I also snuck in a couple of pictures of John’s office building and his office (cubicle).  They all agree that I have the nicer office.

I am appreciating the comments and emails.  This week there have been a couple of days when internet service was not available, so if I have not gotten back to you, please understand. 

Debbie and I were taken to a real coffee shop today.  The coffee was amazing!  Recharged, smiles on our faces, we look forward to the weekend. 

Jan Hazlett