Pictures of the Youth Rally at Church In Dangtu

Here are some pictures of the portion of the Youth Rally we attended at the Church in Dangtu
These first three pictures are of the Sunday morning, the day before the Rally began
Front of sanctuary
Front of sanctuary
Sunday morning: Making costumes for the Youth Event
Sunday morning: Making costumes for the Youth Event
Sunday morning, children's choir practicing for their part at the Rally
Sunday morning, children's choir practicing for their part at the Rally
The next couple of pictures gives you a flavour of the song and dance at this amazing event.  The church was packed. 
There was a lot of excitement as each of the groups lined up for their part in the program.  And the torrential downpour and thunder claps added to the drama. 
Liturgical Dance, Jesus is Lord of all
Liturgical Dance, Jesus is Lord of all
Dance of the Prodigal Child
Dance of the Prodigal Child
A Dance that included hand dance. So meaningful, so elegant
A Dance that included hand dance. So meaningful, so elegant
Singing Songs of Faith
Singing Songs of Faith
Youth and children of all ages took part.  The music and movement combined were emotionally moving.  God’s presence was celebrated.  We were privileged to be able to be witnesses at least for a portion of the day. 
Jan Hazlett