
We are in Nanjing participating with 40 other volunteer English teachers in Amity’s orientation for its 2012 Summer English Program.We arrived in Shanghai early Saturday morning. This gave us the day for sightseeing.

View from hotel in Shanghai


 View across the Huangpu River from The Bund

Vendors on Nanjing Road


Shoppers on Nanjing Road pedestrian mall


Cooling down in the fountain at the People’s Park

On Sunday we travelled from Shanghai to Nanjing very comfortably by high speed train. This gave us a glimpse of the dense and ongoing urban and industrial development with some scenes of canals and paddy fields. As we approached Nanjing hills appeared on the landscape, and then Purple Mountain that overlooks the city.

 View of urban development between Shanghai and Nanjing

Nanjing is a beautiful and historic city and our hotel is located in a very scenic part, next to Xuanwu Lake and park. However, there is little time for sightseeing for we have much to learn at this orientation. This year’s theme is “Conversations” based on the Chinese saying,

“A conversation with a good teacher is better than ten years of study.”

We have participated in workshops not only about teaching in China, but also on such topics as The Church in China, Survival Chinese, Social Expectations towards Women in China, and 400 Years of Christianity in Nanjing; and we have had trips around the city to see some of Amity’s other programs like its Printing Company, Senior Care Center, and Bakery.

The gate to Xuanwu Lake by our hotel in Nanjing


  Liu Wei from Nanjing Union Theological Seminary

The one sightseeing trip we have done is an afternoon visit to the Memorial to the Nanjing Massacre, which was a very moving experience informing us about the 1937 Japanese invasion of Nanjing when it is believed that 300,000 people were brutally killed.

 A statue at the Memorial to the Nanjing Massacre


View of Nanjing from an expressway

Tomorrow we leave Nanjing for our teaching assignments. Our team will spend the day travelling; we fly to Baotou with a stop of several hours in the Beijing airport.

Gordon Timbers and Anne Saunders


One thought on “Orientation”

  1. The city is so beautiful! One of the photo’s has a building in it that almost looks like the CN Tower! Hope you are having fun Anne!

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