Summer English program in China

Having spent about 24 hours enroute, I was met in Nanjing by Robert, the local Amity Representative for the SEP program, late last night. He escorted me to the hotel and made sure I was checked in and able to get some rest.  After a good night’s sleep, I made it down to the breakfast area where I met the rest of the team, Debbie and Don Shephard.  I enjoyed “claw of phoenix” along with some more familiar foods.
This morning we also met a couple from Wisconsin who have taught in this program for a few years. They were able to answer some of our questions and share some of their experiences in the classroom with us. We look forward to the training sessions that begin tomorrow.
After breakfast we were taken to an English worship service. The service structure was familiar and the pews were full.  I was surprised by the number of Chinese people who were at the English service.  I learned that  many come to the service  to practice their English. What a privilege it was to share in worship together! As we read together the lectionary passages for this week, I was newly aware of the connection lectionary can provide with others around the world encountering the same scripture at the same time.
Debbie, Don and I then did some sight seeing in the city. It was a good team building in anticipation of the coming weeks when we will be work as a team,  teaching in a smaller city about 90 minutes from Nanjing.  Altogether it has been a busy but fulfilling day!
I am grateful to my congregation and family, for the support and prayers on which I depend.   I will try to make regular updates.  Blessings, Jan  Hazlett

2 thoughts on “Summer English program in China”

  1. So nice to know that you arrived safely! Looking forward to reading more.

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