Orientation has begun

Yesterday we registered and began our orientation.  There are 48 volunteers who will be teaching in 12 sites in China.  Since registration yesterday–we have been eating together, sharing many foods that are new to us and becoming adept at using chopsticks.  This morning we began with worship and the reading of Psalm 100 and Ezekiel 34:25-26.  We considered together how great God is and worthy of praise and how blessed we are and how we are blessed to become a blessing.

Today we learned about the Amity organization through information sessions and visiting Amity sites.  As a group as we have spent time together we have begun to share our questions and ideas about our time of teaching ahead.  The 18 returning teachers have been a blessing to those of us who are here for the first time. 

It has not been all work though.  Those of us who visited the Amity bakery project sampled the delicious baking and also had an opportunity to shop at the Amity Christian Art Centre.  We only had 15 minutes to look at the traditional crafts.  Most items would not have survive travel in China and home.   However I did purchase an embroidered silk stole.  It is beautiful and will fit in my suitcase easily. 

Tonight we spent time learning about Chinese culture and practicing some Mandarin. 

I must comment that traffic and crossing streets is chaotic at best.  It was intimidating at first, but we are getting used to watching for the bikes and motor bikes that might come from any direction at any time. 

I have been impressed by the hospitality of the Chinese people.  They have gone out of their way to be helpful and patiently attempted to understand our strange gestures.  

I also would like to express my thanks to all who are following this blog and to those of you who responded to my post.  I appreciate the encouragement and expression of support.

Jan Hazlett July 6, 2010

2 thoughts on “Orientation has begun”

  1. Welcome to your adventure, Jan! It sounds like traffic, food, education, and a different culture are all providing a way for you to experience God ‘making all things new!’ Have lots of fun, take lots of photos, and know we are thinking of you and holding you in prayer!

  2. Hey! I hope you are enjoying your new foods and since I’ve seen you use chopsticks, that shouldn’t pose a problem for you.

    I read the passage from Ezekiel and found the part about making the “region around my hill a blessing” to be such a wonderful image.

    Sounds like you’re learning lots to prepare you for your teaching. How fortunate to have returning teachers who can share some of their experiences. It sounds like you made the best of your 15 minutes of shopping. Looking forward to seeing your new silk stole.

    From the posts last year on the traffic, it sounds like it hasn’t changed. Calgary traffic won’t seem so bad after this.

    You mention the hospitality of the Chinese people. I see that in our neighbour who is from Taiwan.

    Blessings! ~Judie

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