
Ministry Animator?

You might be asking, “Just what is a Presbytery Ministry Animator?”?

Good question, and it’s one I’ve been asking myself for a while now. The mission is to help congregations, camps and para-church organizations “grow disciples of Jesus Christ.” Easier said than done, this requires a comprehensive, cooperative and multi-faceted approach.

I work with with the Presbytery of Ottawa and the Presbytery of Seaway-Glengarry, with each having its own priorities and understanding of what they require and what role the Minister Animator should have.

This half-time position  is supported by a grant from the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s Life and Mission Agency. Thanks to the many who support me in this work, and please keep the work (and me) in your prayers!!

Animator / Presbytery of Ottawa

The Presbytery of Ottawa sees the Animator’s role first and foremost as working with / supporting Youth Leaders, and providing leadership for the Youth Working Group.

This is done primarily through different workshops such as Leading with Care, and informal gatherings such as Virtual Coffee Houses. In my role as Chair of the Youth Working Group, I help plan and run a number of presbytery-wide youth events.

Animator / Presbytery of Seaway-Glengarry

The Presbytery of Seaway-Glengarry sees the Animator’s role first and foremost as facilitating leadership development, and secondly as providing support for clergy, elders and congregations as they explore ministry in an increasingly secular society.

This is done primarily through workshops. I offer a number of workshops, including Elder TrainingPastoral Care Training, Leading with Care and Re-Imagine Your Church. I am also involved in Presbytery Visitations and involved with Indigenous Healing & Reconciliation initiatives.


A major part of the Animator’s work is networking – i.e., building bridges among different congregations and Christian organizations in the region; advertising and promoting events; disseminating useful information gleaned from conferences, webinars, and other sources; and hunting for resources that have been asked for. The goal is for the Animator to  do whatever is reasonably possible to strengthen the Presbyterian community in both presbyteries.

This is done primarily through monthly newsletters, websites, and a Facebook page for Ottawa’s Youth (https://www.facebook.com/OttawaYouthPCC) . There are 3 newsletters: one for each presbytery and one for Youth leaders and anyone involved in  Christian Education who might be interested. There are also 3 websites: