Fundraising Resources

Generosity: Let Your Light Shine
Karen Plater is the National Church’s Associate Secretary, Stewardship. In 2018, she facilitated a workshop for the Presbytery of Seaway-Glengarry.

Here is a summary of her presentation and the actual slides: Generosity 2018-PDF Part 1Part 2Part 3; and Part 4.

Sample Sponsorship Letter
How do you go about asking a company to sponsor an event?

Don’t ask for a donation – invite them to be a sponsor. Show how important the event is and what difference their contribution can make!
 Get sample letter.

6 Effective Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits
According to Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation, the challenge is to find fundraising activities that make a big impact but are also inexpensive to put on.
 Read article.

Stewardship & Planning Giving Webinars
– Building Generous Congregations
– The Generosity Assessment…
– Sharing Your Story …
– Asking for Money …
– Many Ways to Give
– Thank You Letters /Annual Receipts
– Saying Thank You!
 Visit site