Spiritual Development

Burnout is a common problem many church leaders. The main reason why burnout occurs is that we try to do too much on our own and forget to “fill ourselves up” with God. Or, to use a different of imagery – we try to go the distance on one tank of gas, and to keep going even when we run out of gas!

Somewhere, we need to fill up our “tank” with God! Here are a few resources to help.

3-Minute Retreat/Loyola Press
A Roman Catholic resource that offers daily devotionals on scripture.
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Monasteries of the Heart
A “web-based movement sharing Benedictine spirituality with contemporary seekers”. The movement is open to anyone who seeks God through a Benedictine path.
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Our Daily Bread
A non-denominational, non-profit organization resource that helps people grow in their relationship with God through daily devotionals.
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Prayer & Possibilities
Kathryn Shirey’s website offering guidance for deepening prayers, developing faith, and stepping into God’s possibilities. Offers free training courses, and newsletters.
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Presbycan Daily Devotional
Start your day with God – the Presbyterian Daily Devotional website (and Facebook page) is an interactive website that provides a daily meditation and encourages readers to email comments, questions or appreciation directly to the authors. Also on the site are prayer lines for personal prayer requests, and a search engine that allows you to search devotions for specific topics or scripture texts.
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These Days
These Days, published by the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (US), features meditations and devotions written by clergy and lay leaders. Each quarterly issue features devotions, poems, prayers and songs pertinent to the issue’s theme, suggestions for using the devotions, and space for creating individual prayer lists.
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