Questions & Responses from the Annual Congregational Meeting

Further congregational input has been sought on four discussion topics that arose at the ACM March 3, 2024. We have received five written and five verbal responses.

Is it a good time to form a Women’s Group, with regular meetings? MAYBE
In the past such a group was effective in building church community and support. The range of activities could include outreach, Bible study, crafts, socialization. Some felt that people nowadays are too busy to engage in another group. It is suggested that interested people choose a date to meet to consider mutual interests and format.

Should we hold worship services in July? NOT THIS YEAR
There is partial support for summer worship. The house of God should be open consistently and regularly. Folks who grew up in the area may visit in the summer and take advantage of the open church. However, few are able to confirm attendance, because of travel and cottages, and feel that it would be unfair to bring a preacher to a near-empty church. Therefore, we will not meet in July and August this year. The issue will be revisted for 2025.

Would we like a Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve? YES
Although there are children’s activities on Christmas Eve, it is generally felt that a service is an important part of sharing the celebration of Christ’s birth. Another date in the same week could be possible.

Should we plan a Good Friday service next year? YES
Even if we must arrange it ourselves without a preacher, we would like to have a service in which to reflect on the meaning of the events that preceded the Resurrection.

It has been proposed that we remember to make the surrounding community aware of services such as Christmas Eve and Good Friday. Without local newspapers now, we could place posters on notice boards in Pontypool, Bethany, even Janetville. These have been effective for events in the past.