i. Executive Team to meet at least two weeks before Presbytery.
ii. Develop an annual roster of place, date and format of Presbytery meetings.
iii. Develop a devotion & worship schedule of all ministers within the Presbytery.
iv. Preparation of court docket.
v. Oversight of proper decorum and dress for Presbytery functions.
vi. Oversight of Presbytery teams and their leadership.
vii. Offer regular training events on how to be a Presbyter (Book of Forms,
responsibilities of rep elder, retirement and beyond, etc.).
viii. Assist Clerk in determining highlights and discussion topics to be sent to
Sessions in frequent newsletter format.
ix. Development and regular revision of Web Site.
x. Develop policies and provide oversight regarding Presbytery attendance.
xi. Oversight of Presbytery finances.
xii. Recommendation of ad hoc committees for Presbytery.
xiii. Administration of the process for the Nominations to the offices of Moderator,
Clerk, and Treasurer, Committees of Synod and General Assembly.
xiv. Inter-team communication and follow-up of court business.
xv. Submit applications to Church Architecture Committee, Church Building
Corporation, Presbyterian Church Lending Funds, Canadian Ministries and the
Presbytery of Barrie Church Development Loan Fund, and the Development and
Re-development Grant Fund.
xvi. Submit any applications regarding alterations to existing church buildings and
xvii. Vigilance for the health and well being for the Presbytery as a whole and such
other responsibilities as the court may deem fit from time to time.

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