Our Team

Music Leadership: Rose Mellor

Rose attended Victoria School for the Performing Arts in Edmonton and received a scholarship to Holland College in PEI, where she studied for a year. She is currently attending University of Alberta, working on a BA in music, with her second major as a BEd. She has been sharing her vocal talent and musicianship with Braeside for seven years and is also a member.

Rose plays for Cantilon Choirs and teaches in her “spare time!”


Minister: The Reverend Janet Taylor (“call me Janet…if it was good enough for my mother, it’s good enough for me!”)


Janet was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta and has spent time living in Red Deer, as well as Creston BC and Vancouver Island. She has previous life experience in new home construction, medical records, nursing home care, and has also operated her own business as an organizational coach for self-employed women. She graduated from St. Andrew’s Hall, Vancouver School of Theology in 2017 with an MDiv with an Honours in preaching. She is on the Christian Life  Committee of the  Presbytery of the Northwest, on the Regional Staffing Council of the Synod of Alberta and the NWT, and the national Committee for Church History in the Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC). Janet is blessed to have her family with her in worship at Braeside.