

#30 – 161 Liberton Drive
St. Albert, AB T8N 6A7



ADVENT WORSHIP: Sunday Morning Worship on December 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th at 10:30 am

CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP: 6:30 pm and 9:00 pm



$15 trains families to construct and use fuel-efficient stoves
$25 provides a child with textbooks for school
$20 provides self-care training to a patient affected by leprosy
$20 provides seeds and organic fertilizer to a farmer

Mark your donation “PWS&D Advent” on your offering envelope.



The Christmas Eve Offering will be going to the St. Albert Food Bank and the Veteran’s Association Food Bank.

No Bible Study Dec. 6/7…resumes Dec. 13/14th. Bible Study continues until December 20th (Wednesday morning 10 am) and December 21st (Thursday evening 7 pm) and will resume January 10th and 11th. On Wednesday mornings, we review the Revised Common Lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday and on Thursday evenings we explore Bible-based subjects. So far this Fall, we have looked at the history of Bible translation, the Apocrypha and the Gospels of Peter, Mary and Thomas. Upcoming topics include popular sayings from scripture, forgiveness and its manifestations in scripture and a comparison of spirit and soul in scripture.


The first and third Wednesday of each month, members of the congregation gather at Red Willow Place (St. Albert Senior’s Association) for lunch at 11:30 am.

All are welcome to attend – friendship and food are fantastic!


A big THANK YOU to Russ T Recycling & Construction for their incredible work getting our new space ready for us!

Message from the Minister’s Study:

Winter newsletters are always full of Christmas events; there are choir concerts and plays, tree lightings and carols all around St. Albert – and I encourage you to attend as many of these events as your Christmas spirit requires!
Within Braeside Church, we have our own list of fun Sundays coming up. On December 3rd we have our first worship in our new location, which will include the reception of New Members and Communion (all are welcome). December 3rd is also the start of the new Christian calendar and the first Sunday of Advent. The four Sundays preceding Christmas are a time of preparation for receiving the Christ Child.
We’ll be decorating our tree! We’ve kept 60 of our “old” decorations – one for each year that the congregation has been around, which we’ll use to decorate our new worship space and the tree. You are invited to donate a “new” decoration for the tree, too, to celebrate our move – one new ornament per person, please!
December 10th, we’ll have a Christmas cookie exchange, where you can bring Christmas Baking and trade with others to round out your Christmas treat tray.
On December 17th, we’ll be creating a new version of the Christmas Story together and, of course, as we do every Sunday, we’ll be singing lots of songs.
In the morning of December 24th, we’ll celebrate the final Sunday of Advent. Then, in the evening, we have two services for you to choose from: an early service of carols and readings at 6:30 pm and a later service at 9:00 pm.
Christmas Day we will have a service of carols and contemporary Christmas songs at 10:30 am, so bundle yourselves over to the church after the wrapping paper is flung and the hugs and thank-you’s have been shared.
But church isn’t just for Christmas, it’s a place to be to celebrate God’s love all the time. We’re excited about our move to a wonderful new community, new worship and friendship space, along with new opportunities to serve all year round. We’ll spend the new year exploring our neighborhood, looking for where God is active in the world and joining in where our gifts and talents can help make this corner of creation a better place for everyone. We invite you to join us in this grand adventure!
We worship, pray and praise every Sunday at 10:30 am. We also have two Bible Studies: Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am and Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm. Feel free to join us for any of these events – or visit our website at “Braeside Presbyterian Church” to see what we are all about.
May the blessings of the Christ Child remain with you always.

Rev. Janet Taylor, Minister
Braeside Church