Who we are

Network Curator

Andrea Perrett is a Registered Dietitian and a pastor within the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Passionate about bringing people together and sharing life together, Andrea is excited to support the Breaking Bread Network online and in person.


Advisory Circle

The Breaking Bread Network has an amazing advisory circle, providing their support and wisdom to this experiment. In addition to being hosts themselves, the advisory team is here to connect with hosts, share ideas and encourage others along the way. Click here to connect with a team member.



Centre for Missional Leadership

The Breaking Bread Network is an experiment of the Centre for Missional Leadership at St Andrew’s Hall. As part of the Presbyterian Seminary, the CML was established to enable Christian communities to flourish in God’s redemptive mission to the world.

CML is a place where church leaders are encouraged about the work God is doing in the world today, and equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow with creativity and hope.