Frequently Asked Questions


I’m not a five-star chef, can I still host a dinner?

Absolutely! Keep the meal prep simple, host a potluck or team-up with someone who is the five-star chef. Don’t let the food preparation stand in your way from hosting. Check out our resource page or email us for more ideas.

Do I have to host a supper or can it be another meal?

Go with what works for you and be creative. Brunch gatherings, dessert evenings or afternoon teas are all great options!

I don’t have a very large space, can I still host a dinner?

Yes! Consider having a meal that fits into your space, like a stand-up soiree. If you really don’t have a space to host, you can team-up with another host. Contact us if you need to be paired up with someone.

Should I invite the same people each time I host a dinner?

You might have some repeat guests around your table from time to time, however we should suggest mixing up the guest list each time. Once you have picked the purpose and discussion for each meal, invite who you think would be a good fit for that conversation.

Can only adults attend the meal?

Create the gathering that is most meaningful for you and your guests. If you have space for adults and childrento attend, go for it. However, if you’d rather give everyone an evening of distraction-free adult conversation, let people know when you invite them. It’s all about setting expectations.

Do you provide reimbursement for hosting the meals?

We do not provide funding or reimbursement for the money you spend hosting of meals as we hope that you see this as part of extending hospitality to others. While there is no need to provide a gourmet meal, we do understand that a basic meal might be beyond some budgets. If this is the case for you, contact us and we will help you to find ways of hosting without breaking the bank.


Have more questions? Send us your questions here.