Why we gather

We are gathering around a table to address some of the hungers that we see in our world. Isolation and loneliness are prevalent in Metro Vancouver and there is a desire for deeper connections and shared life.¹ As living spaces shrink and lifestyles get busier, there is a longing for more shared meals around a table.

As Christians, we seek to provide a space around a dinner table where we can help meet these needs, while authentically sharing from our own experiences. Respectfully exploring our differences will foster connections and strengthen our community.

While some of us are experienced dinner hosts, and many of us practice hospitality to some extent, we are excited to work towards a larger movement and keep one another committed to hosting monthly.

Our missional strategy is the same as Jesus’ missional strategy: having a long meal that stretches into the evening.Jesus didn’t come running programs and projects, rather Jesus came eating and drinking. With the BBN, we are attempting to do the same.

  1. Connect and Engage Report: A Survey of Metro Vancouver. Vancouver Foundation, 2017.
  2. Chester, Tim. A meal with Jesus: Discovering grace, community, and mission around the table. Crossway, 2011, pp 13.