Meditation 273

Meditation 273

Acts 4: 5-12

The task of being an apostle was not for the faint of heart. No sooner had Peter and John healed a lame man, and Peter gave testimony to the power of God at work, then they were arrested. The next day they appeared before the elders, scribes and high priests. The officials wanted to know by what power and what name the apostles performed the healing of the lame man.

Have you ever had the experience of having explained something, only to have the same questions asked again because the hearer did not agree with what you said? This seems to be what is happening here. Before Peter and John were arrested, they had very publically said that the healing of the man at the temple was accomplished by the power of God. Although the people who arrested Peter and John were religious leaders, they did not like what they were hearing. This manifestation of power was not in keeping with their experience of God. They knew God was powerful, that God had spoken through the prophets, and that God had given the law. They also knew that their roles were to worship God, and to bring the truth of God to the people. They do not seem to like the way these two apostles have begun preaching, teaching and healing. Rather than being gladdened by further experience of God the authorities are threatened. Peter and John are arrested and after a night in jail they are questioned again. Maybe the authorities hope that a night to think will have the apostles give a different answer.

Peter and John remain faithful to what they have said so far. They know that whatever they are able to do is the result of the power of God at work in them. God healed the man at the temple and they will not say otherwise. Peter and John also know that this healing opportunity is a way for them to share the truth about Jesus. Peter says to the leaders “let it be known to all of you, and all the people of Israel, that this man is standing before you in good health by the name of Jesus of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead. … There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved. “(verses 10 and 12)

It was the work of God that had healed the man at the temple; Peter and John knew God as well as they did because of the ministry of Jesus. The apostles are not going to change their story no matter how unpopular it is with the powers that be. We can find ourselves in a similar place when we are led to do the work of Jesus. When we speak up for the homeless, when we take time to befriend the friendless, when we speak up for nature because we know this is required of God’s stewards of creation, and when we show in a number of ways that we are listening to God’s direction to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God, we like the apostles may find ourselves having to give an answer for what we are doing. When God brings us a job to do, may we take Peter and John as examples of remaining true to what God has asked.