Meditation 274

Meditation 274

1 John 3:16-24

This is [God’s] commandment, that we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us. All who obey his commandments abide in him, and he abides in them. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit that he has given us. (verses 23 & 24)

Those of us who are believers will be known by the love of and love for God that we have, and by the way we love one another. This passage begins by reminding us that Jesus laid down his life for us and we ought to be willing to lay down our lives for one another. The love that we have as believers is to be modelled upon the love of Jesus, which was shown to us in a life of service. Jesus laid aside any claim he had to being treated with honour and majesty and he came and lived among us, teaching and healing and finally giving his life for people. Jesus also triumphed over death and sin, and so he gives us eternal life, (John 3) which is knowing God well and closely, and living a life that shows God to the world. Just as Jesus was willing to put aside his right to be honoured, so we can be willing to set aside expectations to be recognized for what we do in God’s name. Like Jesus we are motivated by love.

One way that we show the love of God is by helping those in need. Verse 17 asks the question; how does God’s love abide in one who sees a brother or sister in need and refuse to help? The mark of one who believes in God and follows the life exemplified by Jesus is to be helpful. Helpfulness can be letting someone know about agencies that will give food and shelter when needed. Sometimes helping is being a friend and listening, sometimes it is showing others what choices they can make and respecting their choice.

There are many needs around us, and we respond to them as we are blessed and as we are gifted. Some of us make donations to the food bank, some of us are frontline workers at the food bank, both levels of help are needed. Some of us are volunteers in literacy programs, some of us give books to libraries, both levels of help are needed. There are many levels of help that can be given to the needs that present themselves to us. When we are involved because we are motivated by the love of God, then we are doing what God has asked of us, and we are introducing our loving God to those about us.