Meditation 280

Meditation 280

John 15: 1-8

When Jesus spoke to people and used images like being a shepherd (last weeks’ gospel reading) and being the vine (John 15), he was using images that were familiar to those who knew the Hebrew Bible. They would know such references as Psalm 95:7 where we read “For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand.” Similarly in Psalm 79:13 we read “So we are your people and the sheep of your pasture.”

In a similar way, the image of Israel as a vine is found in the Psalms and the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Hosea. The people of God, or Israel, is the vine that God cares for as carefully as a vinedresser cared for a vineyard. To keep a vineyard healthy there needs to be constant care of the vine and the soil, as well as protection from insects and weeds. A vine keeper is always at work, just as God is always at work to care for the people of God.

When Jesus has used the image of the vineyard in other places it has been one of warning. In Mark 12, the owner of the vineyard goes away; the tenants left in charge are boisterous and disobedient. The owner of the vineyard sends messenger after messenger who are beaten or killed. Finally, the owner sends his son, who the tenants also put to death. As a result, the owner of the vineyard gives the vineyard to others. In Mark the vine image is one of warning to be aware.

In John the vine image is used differently than in the other gospels. In John there is an image of the vine being cared for to give life to the branches grafted on. The description of the pruning that keeps the vine healthy would be familiar to those who lived in Jesus’ day, as vineyards were a part of the local economy. The vine is healthy and the branches grafted onto the vine bear fruit. Those who know about growing grapevines know that they bear on new growth. A branch must be pruned to be able to bear fruit. The well-tended vine will be watered, fertilized and, pruned so that life can be given.

Jesus says that he is the vine and then he invites those who hear this parable to abide in him. Jesus is telling his hearers that they will be kept safe by him. When they abide in Jesus they will be deeply at home (Meda Stamper. Working Preacher)

Take time today to be deeply at home with Jesus. Find a quiet place where there will be no distraction. Close your eyes and imagine that you are resting on a strong vine or tree. This vine will support you, and in this quiet place you can let go of the concerns that you carry with you. You can trust the vine because it is strong and it is healthy. As you trust that you are supported, feel the tension leave your body. When you open your eyes again, revel in the feeling of calm, give thanks to God for caring for you. As you go through your day, return to this feeling of calm and ask for God’s strength to live from this place of security.