Meditation 288

Meditation 288

Acts 1: 1-11

Yesterday we read Psalm 47 which directs our attention upwards. Psalm 47 praises God for ruling, guiding and caring for the world, and recognizes that God is exalted over the world. Today’s reading in Acts tells us that Jesus after completing his earthly ministry, was lifted up to be with the Father in heaven.

On one hand this reading may leave us feeling that we have been left behind by Jesus. Jesus is now in heaven and watching us from afar as we read the lessons he taught and pray to a far away God for help. There is a lot that we need help with too. This week I was in touch with my sons and their families and was reminded of the challenges that some people face. Here in New Brunswick my biggest difficulty living in pandemic conditions is that I am limited in what I can do and where I can go. In Nova Scotia there is a surge in numbers of infections, and in Alberta there seems to be a disbelief amongst some that social distancing and mask wearing are good and helpful practices. Last year a song came out of Nova Scotia that told us to “stay the blazes home” and to “think about the common good.” We can become overwhelmed as we keep trying to do the right thing only to see others flout the common good.

Before I get you all too depressed to go on, I think that the sorry of the ascension of Jesus is more than a reminder that Jesus is exalted; this story is also a reminder to look up beyond what is immediately around you. We can look down and see the things that worry us, or we can look up and look to Jesus for rule, guidance and caring.

Just before Jesus ascended to heaven the disciples asked when the kingdom would be restored to Israel, and he told them it was not for them to know what God’s timelines were/are. Jesus did say that the disciples would be given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and that the Spirit would give them power to be witnesses to Jesus. I think there is comfort for us in that promise. Like the disciples there are things that we don’t know, but we have the presence of the Holy Spirit to give us comfort, and to give us power to be witnesses to Jesus.

In our lives right now the big question that is being posed is “how much longer?” How much longer before we can visit family, how much longer before we can hold a celebration, how much longer will we be living in concern that a vile disease will keep on spreading. In the midst of all of that we have the Spirit to help us to use healthy practices without being harsh to others, to give encouragement when we can, to offer help to those who need it, and to remind ourselves and others that this is not the end, and that by God’s grace we can make it through.

May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, may the rain fall soft on your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of God’s hand. (Irish Blessing)