Meditation 260

Meditation 260

John 13: 1-17 31b-35

Today is Maundy Thursday. The word “maundy” is derived from the Latin word for command, and it refers to the new commandment that Jesus gave to his disciples at the last supper before he was arrested. The new commandment is found in John 13:34 when Jesus said “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”

In John’s gospel we are not told of the institution of the Lord’s Supper as we are in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Instead, John tells us of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, and by this action Jesus does two things. He symbolically acts out the laying down of his life, and he elevates the actions of service.

First the laying down of Jesus’ life. The action of Jesus laying down his clothing can be a reminder of his words in John 10: 17 where he says he “lays down” (tithem) his life “so that [he] might take it up again” (hina palin labō autēn, see also 1 John 3:16). “In John 13:4, Jesus “lays down” (tithēsin) his clothes, washes his disciples’ feet, and then “takes” (elaben) them back again in verse 12. Jesus’ washing thus symbolizes his death and resurrection that he endures on behalf of disciples and the world.” (Alicia D. Myers. Working Preacher) In the gospel of John it is clear that Jesus knows that his hour had come (John 12:23, 13:1) He is heading toward his crucifixion and resurrection, and he is trying to include his disciples in this knowledge. At the time of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, they do not understand what is going on. Jesus gives them teaching in word and action that they can recall later.

When Jesus preforms the act of foot washing Peter is again the one who speaks out and says what the others are probably thinking when he says “you will never wash my feet.” Jesus gives Peter the words he needs to be able to allow Jesus to wash his feet. Jesus says “Unless I wash you, you will have no share with me.” Sharing in Jesus involves being served by Jesus. When we are disciples of Jesus we obey and follow, but we are also nurtured and helped.

Jesus goes on to encourage his disciples to care for one another as he has cared for them. Jesus, the Messiah, the one sent by God, was willing to do as humble as job as stoop down and wash his disciples’ feet. Jesus said “For I have set you an example, that you should also do as I have done to you.” (verse 15) We are encouraged to care for one another as Jesus cares for us. Sometimes when we see need and hurt, we withdraw in fear. One of the ways this fear has been manifested has been in the aggression shown to those of Asian descent in the face of the pandemic. With the fear of COVID 19 bearing down it seems that there are some who allow fear to make their choices. However, when we stop to think, we do know that all people are equally vulnerable and need the same protection of the community. If we accept the love of Jesus, which has been shown in service us, then we can reach out in love toward others.