Meditation 282

Meditation 282

Psalm 98

This psalm is one of the psalms of praise that may have been written after an occasion when the psalmist had experienced the deliverance of God. It may also have been a psalm that was intended to be used for one of the main celebrations of the Hebrew people, such as the yearly reminder of God delivering them in the Exodus. Whether this psalm was intended as a personal expression of praise and thanksgiving, or as a corporate prayer, it is beautiful.

The structure of Psalm 98 is one in which the writer makes a statement and then builds one it.  We start with “O sing to the Lord a new song.” Right away the psalmist has our attention and we are invited to sing, not just any song, but a new song, then the reason for such praise is given, the Lord has done marvelous things, and if that is not enough, the Lord’s right hand and holy arm have gotten victory. Then before the excitement dies down, we are told the Lord has made known victory, and the Lord has remembered steadfast love and faithfulness. As the psalmist builds on these proclamations, we are brought to the truth that “All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God.”

From this place of adoration, the entire earth is invited to make a joyful noise, to sing praises to the Lord not only with our voice but with the lyre and trumpets. The sea is invited to roar in praise of the Lord, as are the floods to clap their hands, and the hills to sing for joy. In conclusion the psalmist tells us that the Lord is coming to judge the earth, and in so doing the Lord will bring righteousness and equity.

As we read this beautiful poem of praise our hearts are lifted and we are brought before God in joy, because of who God is and what God does for the earth. According to the psalmist the intention of God is righteousness and fairness. Although this psalm is hundreds of years old, it can still be used to express what continues to happen today. This morning I saw a post on Facebook that was that was also the sharing of experience that makes me rejoice. It was a story shared by young woman who is a friend of my son and daughter in law. This friend is in the process of making plans to travel to be with her brother who is hospitalized due to COVID 19. As people have been made aware of this stressful trip; there has been an outpouring of support, from the social worker at her brother’s hospital who helped with making arrangements for rebates on travel expenses and names of accommodations close to the hospital, to someone giving travel points to book a ticket, to those who have given money to those who have been locally supportive in many ways. She has been overwhelmed by the way God’s righteousness and fairness have been shown through the actions of caring people. Her heart is full, and she is thankful to God and to those who have been helpers in this time. I am sure that the invitation to sing to the Lord a new song is one that is being acted out as I am writing.