Meditation 299

Meditation 299

Romans 8: 12-17

As we prepare for Trinity Sunday, we have this scripture lesson that gives a glimpse into how the trinity works. Those who are adopted by God are led by the Spirit, we are children of God who call the Father “abba” and we are heirs with Christ, who we have been told in verse 11 has been raised from the dead. The persons of the trinity work together for the salvation of those who are adopted into the family of God.

It is an amazing thing that we have the privilege to call God Abba. This is what Jesus called God before facing his crucifixion. (Mark 14:36). Abba is a term used by a child for a loved father. It is a name that denotes trust and love between the two. According to this passage in Romans, those of us who call God Abba are those who have been adopted, chosen with love to be part of the family. There is a special bond in adoptive families. Parents who chose to adopt do so to enlarge their families, to draw the circle of relationship wider, to find more ways to live love. Children of adoptive families know that they have been particularly chosen to make a family complete. When we know that we are adopted to be a part of the family of God, we are recognizing a precious truth.

We who have received a spirit of adoption, and are called children of God, are joint heirs with Christ, which means that while we may suffer with him, we also will be glorified with him. Through Jesus we are no longer under the direction and control of sin, but we have life with, and from God. “This is not something that Christians do in their own strength. Paul doesn’t give a list of ten tips for righteous living, but rather calls believers to continually let themselves be led by the Spirit who dwells in them (verses 9, 13-14)” (Jennifer V. Pietz. Working Preacher)

In this passage in Romans, we see that the Spirit leads believers to come to be adopted by Abba to be heirs of the work of Christ. Each member of the trinity supports the word of the others, so that we people may know the love and security of being in God’s family. When we are children of God we are not longer living according to the flesh. That is the urge of sin is no longer the main power in our lives. One of the ways sin imprints upon people is to convince them that they are worthless, that if they do not scratch their way to the top that they will be overlooked, that they do not deserve love, and that they must hide their vulnerabilities from those who will take advantage. Abba says to us that we are loved, and we can give up the striving to be heard or be noticed. Abba loves us as we are, the Spirit brings us to the family of God and Jesus has made it possible for us to be heirs.

God is three in one and one in three, always active in our world to bring the kingdom of God into completion.

As the hymnwriter says:

Great Trinity for this new day, we need your presence still.

Create, redeem sustain us now to do your work and will.

(Book of Praise #286)