Advent events

Open House at Rev. John & Dr. Wendy Martin’s 2:00-6 pm, December 11th, (289 Milltown Blvd, St. Stephen).

Candlelight Service, Dec 18th, St. George Kirk 7:00pm.

Christmas Eve Service, December 24th, Pennfield Kirk 6:30 pm and St. Andrews Presbyterian 9:00 pm.

Christmas Morning Service, St. George Kirk 10:30 pm.

Upcoming Communion Services.

October 2nd, 2022, Rev. Anne Boudreau will provide a Communion service at St George Kirk at 10:30 am. Remember to bring your own Communion Elements for this service.

November 27th, 2022, Rev Anne Boudreau will provide an Advent Communion service at Pennfield Kirk at 9:30 am and Greenock Presbyterian at 11:15 am. Communion Elements will be provided and served.

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree ;  The Presbyterian Church in Canada supports vital mission and ministry in Canada and around the world.  Again this year the 3 churches are participating in “The Giving Tree” program as a way to share gifts.  There are ornaments available in each of the churches which can be marked with your name and hung on the Christmas trees.  We have chosen to support Presbyterian World Service and Development as they know best where our financial support is needed the most.  Mark your church envelope PWSD and with the amount of your gift.

“Fifth Sunday” May 30th, 2021

Since May 30th will be a fifth Sunday for this month, there will only be one combined service for the entire Pastoral Charge. The combined service will be held at Greenock Presbyterian Church in St. Andrews at 11:15 am.

This service will be The Reverend Cheryl MacFadyen’s final worship service to our congregations before her retirement.

This service will also be a Communion service. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, please bring your own elements of bread and juice to this service.

Palm Sunday/Easter Letter

Thursday, March 18, 2021

The season of Lent is drawing to a close, the season when we are invited to examine the relationship we have with God. In this season we remember that when Jesus lived on earth, he taught us challenging lessons. Jesus is the one who gave us an example of how to withstand temptation, how to have life from above, how to be loving, and how to be obedient to God. We also remember with thanks that God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit to equip us, to guide us, and to sustain us in our walk of faith. Lent is a time to examine ourselves, and to humble ourselves before God, and it is also a time to affirm our faith and go forward in confidence as we live our lives with Jesus.

One of our celebrations in the Church is the day we call Palm Sunday, the day that we remember that Jesus rode into Jerusalem in triumph. People who had gathered for the observance of the Passover greeted Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem. They shouted Hosanna, which is an expression of praise, as well as a supplication for help, and they cried out, “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord – the King of Israel!” (John 12:13) Often on Palm Sunday we observe the sacrament of Holy Communion and this will be the case this year. Palm Sunday falls on March 28th, so the services will be in Pennfield and St Andrews. Please bring your own bread and juice for the celebration of the sacrament.

This year on Good Friday we will have a service at the Kirk in St George where we will reflect up on the days of Jesus leading up to his crucifixion. The Iona Community in Scotland has shared a service on line that guides people through the stations of the cross. This is not a typical observance in our tradition, but this service is a thoughtful way to observe the week leading to Easter that is designed to be used in one’s home, and I thought that it would work for our small congregation setting. The service will be shared on Facebook for those who are unable to attend in person.

For some of us it may seem as if Lent started on February 26, 2020 and has not stopped. We have lived in pandemic conditions for about a year as we have observed worship in different ways, have had small gatherings for funerals, have learned new safety measures for being in public, and have waited for effective vaccines. If these facts were all that there were to consider then worry and despair would be the expected outcome. Thankfully these events have not been all that we have known. In the midst of worry there is hope. Last year we celebrated Easter, and we experienced the life-giving hope that God’s Spirit brings to our lives. This year again we are walking toward Easter, and holding onto the hope of Eternal Life which is guaranteed in the resurrection of Jesus.

May the peace and joy of Jesus be yours

Rev Cheryl MacFadyen

March 28th, 9:30 Pennfield Communion service (bring your own bread and juice)

11:15 Greenock, St Andrews Communion service (bring your own bread and juice)

April 2 11:00 a.m. Good Friday service in St George

April 4 10:30 a.m. Easter service in St George


Annual General Meetings

AGM for Greenock Presbyterian Church will be February 28th, 2021 following the worship service.

AGM for St. George Presbyterian Kirk will be March 7th, 2021 following the worship service.

AGM for Pennfield Presbyterian Kirk will be March 14th, 2021 following the worship service.