John10:11-18 This week we have some of the cherished readings in scripture Psalm 23, where we read “the Lord is my shepherd” And Jesus telling us he is the Good…
Acts 3: 12-19 Prayer for Understanding God of Word and Wisdom, when the Risen Christ interpreted the scripture to his friends, their hearts burned with excitement. Send us your Holy…
John 20; 19- 31 Prayer for Understanding Breathe your Holy Spirit upon us, O Lord, as we listen to the scriptures. Open our minds and hearts to receive your Living…

Easter Service 2021

April 4, 2021
“Edging into Easter” Scripture with Reflections Based on John 20:1–16, 18a and an Order for Easter Communion © Rev. Dr. Nancy Cocks, Medicine Hat, Alta., 2017, 2021. For local congregational…
John 12:12-16 Prayer for Understanding God of truth and wisdom, Jesus, your Living Word, confronted those who stood against him with your truth. Send us your Holy Spirit to hear…