Creative Ministry Fund

Please print the following application form or download the pdf attachment: The-Creative-Ministry-Fund-NEW-2-1.docx

The Creative Ministry Fund (CMF) is intended to ensure the availability of seed-funding and guidance to congregations and ministries within the Synod as they pursue the Mission mandate for our Lord Jesus.

Below please find information about how the CMF is administered by the Creative Ministries Committee (CMC):

1. The monies of the fund are for the use of congregations, new initiatives, or expansion of existing creative ministries within the bounds of the Synod of Southwestern Ontario. *** In light of the high demand on the CM Fund last year, we suggest the following priorities to be considered by applicants:  intergenerational initiatives, congregational engagement including teaching others; community-building, outreach; and children and youth.

2. Congregations or ministries needing seed-money for a new mission programme or to hire a new staff or resource person relating to mission or church renewal may apply.

3. All applications must be accompanied by a full disclosure of the project being applied for. Overall budget of the project and amount applied for must accompany the application. Also, other sources of funding and the congregation’s financial contribution and personal involvement must be included. All initiatives, projects, and new ministries must be approved by a Session or presbytery. An extract of minute to be included with the application.

4. The funds are not intended to finance complete projects, or to absorb costs that are properly the responsibility of the congregation, ministry or presbytery.

5. Congregations or ministries applying must submit their project on the completed Congregational Funding Application Form (available on this site) and submit in the form of a pdf email attachment. (Please note: A Congregational Guide for helping to apply for funding is also available on this site)

6. Applications can be submitted throughout the year. The last date for a request to be considered is September 1.

7. All applications will be considered and dealt with fairly and prayerfully by the committee and the Synod Executive (if applicable).

8. A full report about the project, including the financial statement must be received by the Creative Ministry Committee (CMC)  within the same year of receiving a grant from the CMF. If the initiative has not taken place by this date a full report must still be submitted to the Creative Ministries Committee.

9. A congregation or new initiative would be eligible to apply for a grant once every 5 years. While this is normally a one time grant, two-year grants may be considered under certain circumstances. Grant #2 must be applied for separately (in the next year again).

10. Decisions about grants are made at the discretion of the CMC.

Application form

creative-ministries-application-new-3 (1)

E-mail the application with attachments, reports and status updates to be sent to the CMC Convenor, Rev. Rev. Martin Wehrmann at

Note: There is also a one-time $1000. grant available from the CM Fund for PRESBYTERIES that are undertaking a new refugee sponsorship.  A full form must be filled out and submitted.