Standing Orders

The Presbytery of East Toronto


Handbook of


Standing Orders




Terms of Reference

for Standing Committees


Special Committees





General Information











June 2021





Standing Orders


Appendix 1 – General Information


Appendix 2 – Terms of Reference   for Standing Committees



Mission and Ministry

Pastoral Relations

Students and Education



Appendix 3 – Terms of Reference for Special Committees

Cooke’s Church Trust Fund

Sexual Abuse and Harassment


Appendix 4 – Guidelines for Student Bursaries


Appendix 5 – Statement on Openness, Inclusion, and Affirmation of LGBTQI people






  1. Organization and Procedure


  1. Meeting Times


1.1          The Presbytery shall normally meet in ordinary session on the first Tuesday of each month.


1.2          Presbytery will not normally meet in the months of July, August, December, and the month in which Easter falls.


1.3          Any change to the date of an ordinary meeting requires a notice of motion for consideration at the next ordinary meeting of the court.  If the court, however, unanimously agrees to reconsider a change of date the notice of motion can be waived.


1.4          In addition to ordinary meetings, Presbytery may schedule special meetings as per Book of Forms sections 189, 189.1, 191 and 192.  In addition, emergent meetings may be called by the Moderator as per Book of Forms sections 190 through 192.


1.5          The hours for ordinary meetings shall be:

Fellowship                                                                       6:30 – 7:00 pm

Sederunt                                                                           7:00 – 10:00 pm


1.5.1      Hours of meeting may be extended to 10:30 pm by a simple majority vote of those present and voting.


1.5.2      An extension beyond 10:30 pm may be approved in 10 minute segments by unanimous agreement.


1.6          The Moderator, or designate, shall preside at the ordinary and special meetings of the court.


1.7          The Moderator is responsible for ensuring that worship is planned and celebrated at all ordinary meetings of the court. Normally the first 15-25 minutes shall be set aside for this purpose in a variety of forms, except in January when the Sacrament of Holy Communion shall be celebrated.


1.8          The minutes of the last ordinary meeting along with those of special and emergent meetings held since the last ordinary meeting must be sent to all members on the constituent roll and its appendix by not later than the Friday before the next ordinary meeting.  The notice of the next ordinary meeting along with the Business Committee’s suggested agenda shall be sent at the same time. These communications will be sent electronically, and elders who do not have access to email may get their copies from their minister.


1.9          The location of ordinary meetings of the Presbytery will be determined by a rotation set by the Administration Committee, with consideration to be given to locations that can meet the needs of the Presbytery for its meetings at specific times of the year.


1.10       The Presbytery will preferably meet around tables in locations where this is feasible.


1.11       The Sessions of all congregations within the Presbytery shall by June 30 of each year appoint representative, equalizing (if necessary), and alternate elders. These elders will serve from September 1 of that year to August 31 of the following year.




  1. Order of Business for Ordinary Meetings


2.1          The Business Committee of Presbytery shall prepare and recommend a suggested order of business for each ordinary meeting of Presbytery.


2.2          The Business Committee may from time to time recommend to the court that a block of time be set aside to consider, for example, a referral from Assembly or some special item of business.


2.3          Conveners of committees and Interim Moderators are to inform the Clerk if their report contains urgent or special concerns that must be dealt with at the upcoming meeting.


2.4          Reports from standing and special committees that contain recommendations will be circulated in electronic form to those members of the court with email access before the time of meeting. It is the responsibility of committee conveners to send their report, in a form which members of the court can open, to the clerk by noon on the Friday preceding the Presbytery meeting so that all reports can be circulated.


2.4.1       Reports containing recommendations that are presented to the court without being circulated in advance will normally be deferred to the next regular meeting of the court, unless they deal with business of an emergent nature, or committee reports that cannot be discussed except when the members of the court sit alone.


2.5          All recommendations and motions shall be in writing with copies for the Moderator and Clerk and preferably for all members of the court.


2.6          Where possible, the Business Committee will recommend informational or educational presentations to the Presbytery, to be made at the beginning of ordinary meetings of the court.


2.7          When the Presbytery sits alone, only members of the court on the constituent roll will remain, unless the motion that the court sit alone states otherwise.



  1. Annual General Meetings


3.1          The Annual Meeting of Evangel Hall will normally be held in May.


3.2          The Annual Meeting of ARISE will normally be held in September.



  1. Correspondence


4.1          Correspondence from Sessions, courts of the Church, agencies of the General Assembly, and all items that are received in order shall be referred by the Clerk to the appropriate committee.


4.2          All other correspondence shall be referred to the Business Committee.



  1. Officers of the Presbytery


5.1          The officers of the court shall be Moderator, Clerk and Treasurer.


5.2          The Business Committee shall consist of Moderator, Past Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer and Conveners of Standing and Special Committees.


5.3          The Moderator’s term shall be one year beginning from her/his installation at the September meeting.  The Business Committee shall present a nomination at the June meeting and after the election the incoming Moderator immediately becomes a member of the Business Committee.


5.4          The Moderator may be re-elected.


5.5          The Moderator’s duties shall be those outlined in the Book of Forms sections 13 to 17.1.


5.6          The Clerk shall be appointed (or elected) at the May meeting for a period of two years with the term commencing on July 1, and may be reappointed on an annual basis to successive terms after a positive performance review. The incoming Clerk immediately becomes a member of the Business Committee. The Clerk will normally serve for a maximum of six years.


5.7          The Clerk’s responsibilities shall be, in addition to those outlined in the Book of Forms sections 18-24, the referral of referrals to appropriate committees, the compilation of all Presbytery statistics, and the general administration of the presbytery.


5.8          The Treasurer shall be appointed (or elected) at the January meeting for a period of two years with the term commencing with the March meeting, and may be reappointed on an annual basis to successive terms after a positive performance review. The Treasurer will normally serve for a maximum of six years.


5.9          The Treasurer shall receive and disburse money from presbytery fund(s).


  1. Presbytery Finances


6.1          The financial year of the Presbytery shall be the calendar year.


6.2          At the November meeting, the Administration Committee shall present a budget for the coming year, recommend the rate of congregational assessment, and appoint reviewers of the financial statements for the current year. All committee conveners must submit their requests for finances for the ensuing year by October 31. The budget shall include honoraria for the Clerk and Treasurer.


6.3          The Treasurer informs the congregations that Presbytery assessments are to be remitted in four equal instalments, on dates to be determined by the Business Committee.


6.4          At the March or April meeting, the Administration Committee shall present the financial statement for the previous year and the report of the reviewer.


6.5          All motions calling for special expenditures of unbudgeted funds beyond $1000 shall be referred to the Administration Committee for study and report to Presbytery.


6.6          The signing officers of the Presbytery for cheques shall be any two of the following: Clerk, Treasurer, and any other member of Presbytery appointed for this purpose.



  1. Presbytery Services of Worship


7.1          Arrangements for Presbytery services of worship are the responsibility of the Moderator and Clerk consulting where appropriate.


7.2          Members of the Presbytery shall normally enter the sanctuary or place of worship in this order:  members of Presbytery, special visitors, the presiding minister(s), the Clerk, the person(s) being ordained or designated or inducted or recognized or installed, and the Moderator; and exit in the reverse order.


7.3          At the service of ordination the invitation to take part in the “laying on of hands” shall be extended to all ministers of Word and Sacraments present.


7.4          The invitation to give the “right hand of fellowship” shall be extended to all members of Presbytery.


7.5          All offerings received at Presbytery services are the receipts of the Presbytery and their use shall be allocated by the Presbytery.


7.6          After consultation, the Moderator shall select the person(s) to preach the sermon and give the charge.


7.7          Presbyters are expected to be in attendance for presbytery services of worship but special circumstances may require the Presbytery to appoint a commission.


7.8          Members of the Presbytery are responsible for informing the Clerk immediately on the death of a minister of Word and Sacraments, or a Diaconal Minister, or an elder member:


7.8.1      The Clerk shall consult with the family of the deceased person to determine their wishes with respect to Presbytery’s involvement in the funeral or memorial service.


7.8.2      The Clerk shall inform members of the court by email of the death and arrangements for the funeral or memorial service.



  1. Commissioners to General Assembly


8.1          Minister and diaconal minister Commissioners to General Assembly shall be appointed by the                Presbytery on recommendation from the Business Committee.


8.2          In making recommendations for such Commissioners, the Business Committee shall take into                consideration the length of time since a member last attended Assembly, as well as a desire for          gender balance, ethnic diversity, and breadth of representation across the congregations and                ministries of the Presbytery.


8.3          Elder Commissioners to General Assembly shall be appointed by the Sessions of the Presbytery            according to a rotation determined by the Business Committee.



8.4          A Moderator-elect or Moderator of the General Assembly shall automatically be on the list of commissioners nominated for those years.


8.5          Commissioners to General Assembly will be invited to report to the June meeting of Presbytery.



  1. Commissioners to Synod


9.1          Minister, diaconal minister, and elder Commissioners to Synod shall be appointed by the Presbytery on recommendation from the Business Committee.


9.2          In making recommendations for such Commissioners, the Business Committee shall take into consideration the length of time since a member last attended Synod, as well as a desire for gender balance, ethnic diversity, and breadth of representation across the congregations and ministries of the Presbytery.


9.3          The Moderator-elect or Moderator of the Synod shall automatically be on the list of commissioners nominated for those years.


9.4          Commissioners to Synod will be invited to report to the November or January meeting of Presbytery.


10           Remuneration for Interim Moderators


10.1       Interim Moderators in the Presbytery are to be paid on a monthly basis an annual stipend, which is set as 10% of the Presbytery’s starting stipend for an ordained minister at the first level on the stipend grid.


10.2       Where two ministers are appointed as co-Interim Moderators, the Presbytery at the time of their appointment shall determine whether they are sharing one position or each serving as a full Interim Moderator, and their remuneration shall be calculated accordingly.




Appendix 1         GENERAL INFORMATION


The presbytery consists of:


  1. i) Minister(s), Diaconal Minister(s) and a Representative Elder from each Congregation;
  2. ii) Other Ministers and Diaconal Ministers in the bounds of the Presbytery called to serve in recognized ministries other than congregations;

iii)          Equalizing Elders from Congregations which have been invited on a rotational basis to name additional Elder Presbyters to balance or “equalize” Ministers in categories i) and ii) above.


Ordained ministers and diaconal ministers on the Appendix to the Roll of Presbytery sit with “voice but no vote” in meetings of the court.



The boundaries of the Presbytery of East Toronto are:


Bathurst Street, on the west

Victoria Park Avenue, on the east

Steeles Avenue, on the north

Lake Ontario, on the south



The Presbytery of East Toronto is one of 11 Presbyteries in the Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario, and Bermuda.



There are 6 Standing Committees:




Mission and Ministry

Pastoral Relations

Students and Education



and 2 Special Committees


Cooke’s Fund Trust

Sexual Abuse and Harassment




Notice to all presbyters: If you change your email address, your telephone number, or your mailing address, please notify the Clerk promptly.



Presbytery of East Toronto office

152 Floyd Ave.

Toronto M4K 2B7











  1. Membership of the committee shall consist of:


1.1          Officers of the Presbytery – Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer.


1.2          Conveners of all Presbytery Standing and Special Committees or their designates.


1.3          The Chair of the Committee shall be the Moderator or his/her designate, or in the absence of the Moderator another member of the Committee.



  1. The purpose of the Committee is: to co-ordinate the business of the Presbytery and to make its work worshipful, and to act as the nominating committee of the Presbytery.



  1. The Committee shall:


3.1          Act as advisor to the Moderator and the Clerk.


3.2          Draft a manageable docket for each meeting of Presbytery.


3.3          Review correspondence and other business properly coming before presbytery and suggest a process for dealing with it.


3.4          Take measures so that meetings of the court are understandable and participatory by all members and worshipful in nature.


3.5          Guide the Presbytery so that its actions conform to the Book of Forms and the Standing Orders of the Presbytery.


3.6          Give prior consideration to possible options when difficult issues come before the Presbytery.


3.7          Respond to requests, and advise the Presbytery from time to time, on matters that concern the efficient administration of the Presbytery, and its effective operation as an organization.


3.8          Promote good governance and strategic planning practices in the Presbytery.


3.9          Arrange for annual performance reviews of the Clerk and Treasurer to be carried out, and make      recommendations for re-appointment.


3.10       Present nominations for the officers of Presbytery, i.e. the Moderator, Clerk and Treasurer.


3.11       Present nominations for other positions, officers and committees as requested and required by Presbytery, including Presbytery, Synod, or national committees or boards.


3.12       Act as a ‘committee to advise with the Moderator’ in naming special committees, commissions, etc.









  1. Membership:

The Committee shall be a Standing Committee of the Presbytery and be composed of an approximately equal number of ministers/diaconal ministers and elders.


1.1          Members shall normally serve for 3 years, but the term of a member may be extended with the approval of the Presbytery.


1.2          The Treasurer of the Presbytery shall be a voting, ex-officio member of the Committee.


1.3          The Convener of the Committee shall be named by the Presbytery on recommendation of the Committee.



  1. The responsibilities of the Committee normally shall be to advise the Presbytery on financial, legal, property, statistical and administrative matters, and respond to referrals from the Presbytery. The Committee may advise congregations on such matters when requested.



  1. The Committee shall:


3.1          Present an annual operating budget for the consideration and approval of the Presbytery, not later than the November meeting.


3.2          Recommend an accountant to review the financial records each year, and present the report for the preceding year’s operation not later than the April meeting.


3.3          Set an annual allocation for each congregation based on an agreed upon formula, adequate to meet approved budget requirements and inform congregational treasurers of their allocations and method of payment.


3.4          Assess and make recommendations regarding funding applications from new or existing mission projects;


3.5          Report as requested or necessary on Presbytery financial affairs.


3.6          Act as an advisor to the Treasurer.


3.7          Advise the Presbytery annually on the minimum stipend package for ministers serving in the Presbytery.


3.8          Monitor and advise the Presbytery on legal matters which have implications for the Presbytery and/or congregations.


3.9          Monitor, ensure and report on due diligence on specific legal matters involving the Presbytery.


3.10       Consult and bring recommendations to the Presbytery on all property matters of the Presbytery, and/or any of its congregations.


3.11       Recommend on a rotation basis a schedule of locations for the regular meetings of the Presbytery.


3.12       Arrange for the examination of the membership roll, baptismal register, marriage register, and Session minutes of the congregations of the Presbytery, and recommend to the Presbytery that such records be attested as neatly and accurately kept or otherwise.





  1. Membership:

               The Committee shall be a Standing Committee of the Presbytery and be composed of an approximately equal number of ministers/diaconal ministers and elders.


1.1          Members shall normally serve for 3 years, but the term of a member may be extended with the approval of the Presbytery.


1.2          The Convener of the Committee shall be named by the Presbytery on recommendation of the Committee.



  1. The purpose of the Committee shall be to foster Christian mission awareness and initiative within the presbytery.



  1. The Committee shall:


3.1          Review, recommend and report on resources currently available and suitable for congregations in the Presbytery, in the areas of:


Christian education and growth for all ages

Liturgy and worship, including music



3.2          Support the organization of Presbytery wide events, workshops, etc., which offer information, training and inter-congregational cooperation in program areas.


3.3          Arrange for Presbytery visitations to all congregations in the Presbytery as required, and especially during times of transition.


3.4          Consult congregations annually about their commitment to this Presbytery’s share of the Presbyterians Sharing allocation, and to report regularly on remittances toward those commitments.


3.5          Engage with, support, and evaluate existing mission projects related to the Presbytery;


3.6          Help envision and advocate for new and existing mission initiatives which might be undertaken or supported by the presbytery;


3.7          Facilitate exchange of ideas and visions among mission initiatives related to the presbytery;


3.8          Seek to provide opportunities such as workshops and forums for congregations and other ministries within the Presbytery to develop and enhance their visions for mission.





  1. Membership:

               The Committee shall be a Standing Committee of the Presbytery and be composed of an approximately equal number of ministers/diaconal ministers and elders.


1.1          Members shall normally serve for 3 years, but the term of a member may be extended with the approval of the Presbytery.


1.2          The Convener of the Committee shall be named by the Presbytery on recommendation of the Committee.



  1. The responsibilities of the Committee normally shall be to advise the Presbytery on the pastoral care to the members of Presbytery and its congregations.



  1. The Committee shall:


3.1          Recommend to the Presbytery the appointment of Interim Moderators, support Interim Moderators throughout their appointment, and schedule them to report regularly to Presbytery.


3.2          Review call documents from congregations in the Presbytery to determine that proper procedures have been followed before the call is presented to the Presbytery.


3.3          Ensure that pastoral care for ministers and/or congregations is provided as required, especially in conflict situations.


3.4          Review and recommend job descriptions where additional professional church workers are required.


3.5          Conduct exit interviews with all professional church workers in congregations or other ministries in the Presbytery, as well as with their Sessions.


3.6          Arrange for pastoral care to professional church workers or members on the Appendix to the roll         who are experiencing difficulty and or distress.


3.7          Ensure that all congregations and ministries of the Presbytery are following the Leading With                Care Policy of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.





  1. Membership:

The Committee shall be a Standing Committee of the Presbytery and be composed of an approximately equal number of ministers/diaconal ministers and elders.


1.1          Members shall normally serve for 3 years, but the term of a member may be extended with the approval of the Presbytery.


1.2          The Convener of the Committee shall be named by the Presbytery on recommendation of the Committee.



  1. The responsibilities of the Committee normally shall be to advise the Presbytery on the suitability of students for certification as candidates for ministry, provide guidance and counselling, evaluate progress and coordinate examination for ordination.



  1. The Committee shall:


3.1          Gather appropriate material and interview applicants for certification by Presbytery to the colleges of the Presbyterian Church in Canada as candidates for ministry and make appropriate recommendation to Presbytery.


3.2          Provide ongoing support, guidance and counselling to all students under the care of the Presbytery, and this includes in a primary way the maintenance of a file of written material for each student.


3.3          Interview candidates for annual re-certification to the colleges and make appropriate recommendations to the Presbytery.


3.4          Direct candidates to the Church Ministry and Vocations office of The Presbyterian Church in Canada regarding participation in Guidance Conferences as well as psychological assessment (normally in conjunction with a theological college), and receive such reports, as well as supervised field education reports, as part of an ongoing evaluation process.


3.5          Maintain an ongoing relationship and communication with the colleges and the Ministry and Church Vocations office of The Presbyterian Church in Canada with regard to the students under the care of the Presbytery.


3.6.         Coordinate the process of examination for ordination in keeping with the requirements contained in the Book of Forms (Appendix J).

  1. i) Assemble and review the written material before the final interview.
  2. ii) Ensure the candidate conducts a service of worship at a meeting of the Presbytery.

iii)          Examine the student by interview.

  1. iv) Report and recommend to Presbytery and analyse other data as may be requested by the Presbytery.


3.7          Appoint a mentor to every minister who is new to ministry within the Presbytery for one year following his or her induction. The purpose of the mentor is to befriend, to provide an early orientation to the workings of the Presbytery, and to act, as appropriate, as an advocate in helping the minister make connections within the Presbytery.





  1. Membership:

The Committee shall be a Standing Committee of the Presbytery and be composed of an approximately equal number of ministers/diaconal ministers and elders.


1.1          Members shall normally serve for 3 years, but the term of a member may be extended with the approval of the Presbytery.


1.2          Youth may also be represented on the Committee.


1.3          The Convener of the Committee shall be named by the Presbytery on recommendation of the Committee.



  1. The responsibilities of the Committee normally shall be to advise the Presbytery on youth matters and promote and co-ordinate youth ministry in and between congregations in the Presbytery.



  1. The Committee shall:


3.1          Plan and promote Presbytery activities for youth (grades 6 to 12) and young adults.


3.2          Support church youth groups within Presbytery with training and resources.


3.3          Provide information about and promote Presbytery, Synod, National and international youth events.


3.4          Support and encourage involvement of youth from congregations without a youth or young adults ministry.


3.5          Establish and maintain a contact list of people in congregations to whom youth and young adults events information should be sent.


3.6          Assist congregations in the integration of youth into the wider ministry to the congregation.


3.7          Promote ‘Youth in Mission’ among the youth of the Presbytery.


3.8          Establish the means by which funds can be accessed from the Synod ‘Youth Ministry Support Fund’ to financially assist specific creative and innovative youth ministries within the Presbytery.


Appendix 3         SPECIAL COMMITTEES





               The Cooke’s Church Trust Fund was established by the Presbytery of East Toronto from the residue of the assets of the former Cooke’s Presbyterian Church, for the general purpose of providing grants and loans to assist the ministry of congregations and agencies of The Presbyterian Church in Canada which meet certain guidelines set out in their charter.



Eight trustees form the Committee to oversee the fund.  Four, including the Convener are named by the Presbytery of East Toronto, and the remaining four by the Presbytery of Pickering.


The Committee is a Special Committee of the Presbytery of East Toronto.



The Committee is directed in its oversight of the fund by the guidelines approved by the Presbytery of East Toronto.


The Committee makes recommendations to the Presbytery of East Toronto for expenditures from the fund.  No expenditure can be made from the Fund without the approval of the Presbytery of East Toronto.


The Trustees will provide an annual report to the Presbytery of East Toronto, and the Presbytery of Pickering, including a financial statement and details of the Fund’s activity over the past year.







  1. Purpose:

The Committee is a Special Committee of Presbytery whose purpose is:


1.1          to help members of Presbytery to become aware of the general terms of the Policy of The                Presbyterian Church in Canada for Dealing with Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment.


1.2          to ensure that members of Presbytery receive adequate orientation to the Policy.


1.3          to guide the Presbytery with allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment against members of            the Presbytery or its agents, according to the Policy, viz to receive allegations, investigate them                and recommend appropriate action to be taken by Presbytery.


1.4          to provide support to other Presbyteries of the Synod of CNOB, when requested, in matters related   to allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment within their boundaries.


1.5          To provide support when requested by congregations or other ministries of the Presbytery to                ensure clarity of the Policy is understood. If requested, the Convener will suggest candidates to                assist the congregations in the provision of pastoral care and advisers during these investigations.


  1. Membership:

2.1          The Committee shall normally be composed of a Convener, appointed by Presbytery, and a group     of ad hoc members who are willing to serve in the matters of the Committee.


2.2          When a complaint is received, the Convener, in consultation with the Business Committee, will                form a Committee to investigate the complaint in accordance with the Policy, ensuring a                reasonable balance of gender and lay / clergy membership is established. The Convener will                ensure that the Policy is understood by the members of the investigating committee, the advisers,               the pastoral care providers, the complainant and the complainee.


2.3          All members in good standing of Presbytery are eligible to serve on an investigating committee                when established by Presbytery.


2.4          The Convener may recommend the appointment of members to the Committee who are not                members of Presbytery. These appointments will be approved by Presbytery.


  1. The Committee shall:


3.1          Have a working knowledge of the Policy.


3.2          Recommend and arrange regular training and education events to Presbytery regarding the Policy.


3.3          Make recommendations to Presbytery to forward to the General Assembly Office for further                clarification of the Policy.


3.4          When a complaint is received:

3.4.1      Guide the Presbytery in the implementation of the Policy

3.4.2      Respond seriously and sensitively to any complaint received

3.4.3      Throughout any investigation, deal with the complainant and complainee in a fair and                                              just manner

3.4.4      Maintain records of all correspondence, interviews, meetings and other related activities.

3.4.5      Report regularly to Presbytery.




Terms of Reference


In order to support students under its care in a tangible way, the Presbytery of East Toronto will seek to give certified candidates for Ministry of Word and Sacrament an annual bursary.  This support is offered in order that those called by God may be equipped for ministry and encouraged in their journey of discernment and theological study.




Bursaries will be given to all students who are certified by the Presbytery and pursing studies in the ordination track (Masters of Divinity, Education and Reception, General Assembly courses) at one of the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s Theological Colleges. The granting of funds is at the discretion of the Presbytery of East Toronto, upon the recommendation of the Students and Education Committee.  Depending on the availability of funds, students engaged in full time study will normally receive a bursary of $750.00 per academic year and students engaged in part time study will normally receive a bursary of $500.00 per academic year.  The bursaries will be dispersed in October for the academic year that runs from September to April.


The Students and Education Committee recognizes that students have different financial needs and personal circumstances that can affect their ability to engage in successful theological study and practical ministerial experience.  Therefore, we would invite students who find themselves in extenuating or particularly difficult financial circumstances to apply to the Presbytery for additional funding.  When funds are available, amounts of up to $500 could be granted at the discretion of the Presbytery and upon the recommendation of the Students and Education Committee.



Appendix 4 Statement of the Presbytery of East Toronto on Openness, Inclusion, and Affirmation of

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning and Intersex (LGBTQI) people



The Presbyterian Church in Canada has studied and discussed for many years questions related to sexuality, particularly questions related to the roles of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning or intersex (LGBTQI[i]) people in ministry. The church has consistently recognized that we are called to be a welcoming, nurturing, loving and supportive community, a true church family, and to repent of homophobia and hypocrisy. At the direction of General Assembly 2017, the Rev. Peter Bush, Moderator of the 2017 General Assembly issued a pastoral letter of repentance to The Presbyterian Church in Canada and all those harmed by homophobia and hypocrisy by and within the church. The letter states that it is part of a longer conversation, neither a beginning nor an end.

The 2019 General Assembly adopted a recommendation that, “congregations, sessions, presbyteries, synods and other bodies of the church be urged to give public expression to the Moderator’s Letter of Repentance and to seek ways to live out that repentance for harm done and that continues to be done, to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning or intersex (LGBTQI) people and others as a result of homophobia, hypocrisy, transphobia and heterosexism in the PCC including developing discussion spaces with leadership drawn from a diversity of people”.

In response to this recommendation and as part of the longer conversation the Presbytery of East Toronto proclaims this statement to all who have known the pain of judgement, distrust, exclusion or discrimination in the church or society. We affirm that the church has consistently recognized that we are called to be a welcoming, nurturing, loving and supportive community as Christ welcomed us.

As members of the body of Christ, we affirm God’s gift of freedom and abundant life and celebrate the dignity of all, independent of a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. We repent of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, hypocrisy and/or heterosexism.

The mystery of human existence is that we belong to God and have been made in the divine image. All humans are a precious part of creation including LGBTQI people. As persons made and loved by God we are all called to fully accept ourselves as we make a lifelong journey toward deeper faith, faithfulness, and wholeness.

We are called upon to love one another and believe that love and compassion should be the basis of faith. Arrogance and hatred can have no place in our church communities.

Our response to Christ’s gospel is to fully recognize the inclusive nature of the church manifested in the gift of diversity of God’s creation through full inclusion of LGBTQI people. Working together we relate to each other as whole persons based on love, responsibility, accountability, honesty, trust, justice, and mutual nurture.  We use these values to guide us when judging whether behaviour is ethical or unethical.

In our communities each person can experience abundant life and growth to know, enjoy, and have confidence in their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, including LGBTQI people.

We create safe spaces by recognizing and respecting one another’s stories, acknowledging that coming out is a lifelong journey of personal acceptance for LGBTQI people. We respect that a person may feel safe being out about the diversity of their sexuality or gender identity/expression in some church settings and not in others due to mistrust or fear. We do not make assumptions about an individual’s personal journey and take appropriate steps not to ‘out’ LGBTQI people.

With sadness we recognize that certain historic Christian teachings have been used and continue to be used in oppressive ways that fuel intolerance, and perpetuate injustice that may result in violence.  The church by its actions, and its inactions, has oppressed, even to this day, LGBTQI people including those in committed faithful relationships with people of the same sex and those seeking equality for ordination.  We cannot be silent to injustice once we have observed it.  We ask forgiveness from those whose lives that have been damaged and destroyed by the misuse of church teachings.

Living in Christ requires that we act so that LGBTQI people should not suffer from prejudice against their basic right to respect and justice, but be free from hatred, ignorance, and irrational fear. We name that this work requires intentionality to put this statement into action. By God’s grace, led by the Holy Spirit, and seeking to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ we commit to continue to go in a new way to create welcoming communities where all are expected and encouraged to share in liturgy, general life, employment, and leadership free of experiences of discrimination, sexist comments, sexualized remarks and human rights violations such as unfair hiring practices.

Understanding and appreciating the harm it has created we acknowledge that any form of conversion or reparative therapy is not a helpful or appropriate pastoral response and in fact is harmful to LGBTQI people.


Adopted by the Presbytery on March 2, 2021




[i] In this statement we use the common term of LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, or intersex) which has been adopted by The Presbyterian Church in Canada to refer to gender and sexual minorities. As with all terminology, there are a variety of definitions that can be found, and these terms continue to evolve. An emerging alternative term that may be helpful when reading this statement is SOGIE minorities. This alternative term recognizes that all people have a sexual orientation, a gender identity, and a (gender) expression (SOGIE) and that there is a minority whose diverse SOGIE characteristics are different than the majority.