
to the Elmsdale-Hardwood Lands Pastoral Charge

of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Greetings Church Family,

I want to say “Thank you” to all those who came out to the Joint Session meeting and the combined congregational meeting on July 10th! We had a good turn out from both congregations.  For those who couldn’t make it, here is a short summary…

We took time to recap what has been done to this point, where we are now, and where we’re headed.  Rev. Michael Koslowski (from Presbytery) outlined the process ahead.  Handouts were circulated for this process, the financial status of the charge and both churches, and the top options the Charge Committee is looking at.  Plus, I presented a proposal.

After much discussion it was the consensus of those present at the congregational meeting that they accept my proposal to set a date to end the full-time ministry position and submit a request to Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral tie. Then pay me the transitional allowance of 4 months instead of 10 months, during which I will apply for early retirement.

As a result of this, motions were made for the Joint Sessions to write to the Presbytery seeking permission for the dissolution of the pastoral tie, and that the tie be severed effective August 31, 2024.

I will be praying that with this change God will lead you along a path where you can save some money and continue ministry… maybe even grow. Who knows what God has planned!

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Beth


  • Worship services for July and August:
    • The Sessions of both churches have decided to have one combined worship each Sunday for the summer months.
    • For the month of July our worship services will be at 9:30am in the Hardwood Lands Church.
    • For the month of August our worship services will be at 9:30am in the St. Matthew’s Church.
  • Please remember that each church has prayer lists, and Rev. Beth has her own confidential one, so if you or someone you know would like to be added to them, just call, email, or text her. She’s also available for phone conversations and visits!
If you have any questions, comments, or would like more information on any of the above, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Also, please let me know if there is a Bible study, book study, or other activity you would like to see our churches hosting.

There will be other events and activities announced along the way… so stay tuned to our emails, website, or facebook pages!

You can contact me by calling or texting 902-751-2150, or through facebook messenger, or by email: elmsdale.hardwoodlands@gmail.com

Rev. Beth


We are located in the beautiful central “corridor” area of East Hants County of the province.

It is a growing area with many events and ministries happening. 

Our Charge includes the churches of:

St. Matthew’s Presbyterian Church, located at 143 Highway 214, Elmsdale, Nova Scotia, B2S 1G7. 

St Matthews Church

and Hardwood Lands Presbyterian Church is located at 8178 Highway 14, Hardwood Lands, Nova Scotia, B0N 1Y0:

Hardwood Lands Church