
Three congregations have joined together to become the Pastoral Charge of Avonmore, Finch, and Gravel Hill, to follow the Word of God and provide a place where all are welcome and can grow in faith.    Sessions continue to meet  with an Interim Moderator appointed  by the Presbytery and the congregations are worshiping in person each Sunday.

Upcoming events

Summer  Worship Schedule    Please note the change from regular routines!

On Sundays July 7th, 14th and 28th – Joint Service at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Main Street in Avonmore at 10:30 AM.

On Sunday July 21st there will be a Musical Worship Service at the Avonmore Fair starting at 9:30 with Rev. Lois Gaudet and the “Choir Boys” and no services in the Church that morning.

On Sundays August 11th, 18th and 25th – Joint Service at St. James’-St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 17335 Gravel Hill Road East, Monkland at 10:30

Sunday September 1, 2024  2pm:  Memorial and Decoration Day Service at the Gravel Hill  Cemetery.   All are welcome,  Donations for  the upkeep of the Cemetery will be received at this time. 

On Sunday September 8th, 15th 22nd and 29th Joint Service at 10:30am in St. Luke’s Knox Presbyterian Church, County Road 43 in Finch.

Our Current Interim Moderator is – Rev. Robert Adams, B.Ed, M.Div. He can be reached at 
minister@stjohnscornwall.ca or 613-932-8693