Gravel Hill – Church Union

In 1925, the Presbyterian Church in Canada was faced with a question that threatened its survival: Should the denomination merge with the Methodists and Congregationalists to create a new denomination? Two-thirds voted to accept “Church Union” as it was called. The new denomination became the United Church of Canada.

One-third voted to remain separate and Presbyterian. Congregations lost many of their members(and clergy), and struggled to survive. The congregations in Gravel Hill and Monkland were among them.

Luckily, their minister, Rev. Miller, was one who stayed Presbyterian and who could provide them some guidance – continuity – through those years. In fact, he became the first Clerk of the newly organized Presbytery of Glengarry. In 1926, the Rev. T.O. Miller was called to the Presbytery of Stratford.

The next few years saw the two congregations served by student ministers:

    • 1927-1929 – Mr. J.T. MacPherson
    • 1930-1932 – Mr. R.M. Magill
    • 1933-1935 – Mr. D.M. Kerr
    • 1936 – Mr. John Anderson*

* Mr. John Anderson was ordained after he graduated, and became a chaplain in the Canadian Army. He was Chaplain to the Highland Light Infantry of Canada, and among those who landed at Normandy on D-Day in 1944. “Padre Jock” received two Military Crosses for courage and iniative in evacuating casualties under heavy enemy fire. He had other postings, including Korea (after the War), and served in a number of congregations before retiring to Oakville, Ontario where he died in 2004.