Gravel Hill – A Time of Mergers

By the 1930s, however, it became obvious that the two congregations were too small to survive on their own. An attempt was made for Gravel Hill-Monkland to join with Moose Creek to become a three-point charge, but those plans fell through.

In 1937, an agreement was reached with the Avonmore, and the three-point pastoral charge of Avonmore-Gravel Hill-Monkland was created.

In 1998, the Monkland church was closed and the building sold. The St. Andrew’s (Monkland) congregation merged with St. James’ (Gravel Hill), and the new congregation came to be known as St. James’-St. Andrew’s. The following year (1999), the two-point charge of Avonmore-Gravel Hill became a three-point charge with the addition of St. Luke’s- Knox (Finch). That relationship continues today.