Gravel Hill – Short-Term Ministries

For the next few years, the two congregations were served by student ministers.

In 1909Mr. Andrew Drysdale, an energetic young student, took over the ministry for both Gravel Hill and Monkland. The second track of the C.P.R. was built, and the region was enjoying a boom. Mr. Drysdale was instrumental in getting the church in Monkland built (St. Andrew’s is actually named after him, not after St. Andrew!). He left in 1911.

Mr. Drysdale was the first of a number of students who served as minister to the two congregations. Even when ordained clergy came, they seldom stayed more than a couple of years:

    • 1911 – Mr. Bolingbrook, who stayed a couple of years;
    • 1912? – Mr. D.A. McQuaig, who stayed one year;
    • 1913 – Rev. Isaac Campbell, who stayed one year;
    • 1915 – Rev. J.G. MacIvor, who served from 1915 to 1920;
    • 1921 – Rev. T.O. Miller, who served from 1921 to 1926.