
Please note: First PC Kenora is not offering worship services at this time.

Worship Services

At First Presbyterian Church we meet for shared worship each week at 10 a.m.   We worship God through singing, reading of the scriptures, prayer and a message that will always encourage focus on the power of God at work in our lives. The entire worship experience at First Presbyterian Church is always geared toward leading the gathered people to connect with and experience God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our worship pattern is always interesting as we observe the different Church seasons that are guided by themes from the Revised Common Lectionary. Some months we also focus on specific themes and also have worship services guided by the psalms or a song service with scriptures.
Apart from the weekly worship services, there are some sacraments that we also celebrate on occasions during our worship service. A blessing awaits you.

Infant Baptism

A Sacrament dedicated to God

When a baby is born into this world it always gives parents and families much reason for celebration as birth signifies the presence of God’s grace in the lives of God’s people. The church also recognise that the birth of a child is a moment to give God thanks while at the same time taking that child into the church family as a sign that we are taking the spiritual responsibility for that child’s upbringing.

Through this sacrament we make confession of faith in God on behalf of the new born child and also pledge before God our promise to grow the child in the nurture of the Lord. We remember Christ’s words in Matthew 19:4 when he said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” It is this charge that makes this sacrament so special as we feel a sense of responsibility for the well-being of our young children and as a church we take this responsibility serious as we welcome them into our church family.

Sponsors are appointed by the session to provide comfort and guidance for the family of the child being baptised. The sponsors may assist in relating the newly baptized person to the church community and sharing in the continuing nurture of the person.

The Act of Baptism

  • The child is presented to the congregation by an Elder of our congregation so as to introduce the child to the members of his/her new family. The congregation also receives the child into the fold symbolizing their intention to care and nurture the child through God’s help.
  • The prayer over the water begins with a thankful recitation of the mighty acts of God in creation, covenant and redemption. Finally, the prayer invokes the Spirit to accomplish that which God has promised in the sacrament.
  • The use of water in the name of the triune God is the central and essential act in the sacrament of baptism. Whether the water is administered by sprinkling, pouring or immersion, it should be used in generous quantities as symbols of God’s free grace and cleansing, healing powers.
  • According to the tradition of this Church, the baptism is concluded with a prayer for the gift of the Spirit. With words, joined to the laying on of hands, it points to the promise of God which is received and claimed in the sacrament. Although not essential to the act of baptism, the blessing provides an important link between baptism and other occasions in the life of Christians. Whereas baptism is administered once, and not repeated, the blessing is repeated many times.
  • The newly baptized child is declared to be a member of the household of God and charged to grow in the Grace of God.


Confirmation is also a practice of our congregation which underlines our intention to continue to lead individuals to accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour. A service of confirmation is done in a case where someone was baptised as an infant and now desires to make their own public confession. Recognising one baptism for the remission of sins we confirm the baptism which was already done and receives the individual into fellowship for the continue work of God’s grace in that person’s life.

Profession of Faith

Profession of faith is also practice as part of our church’s discipleship of individuals who desire to become member of our congregation. The profession of faith is very similar in practice to the service of confirmation as it is held for persons who have already been baptised and now have that desire to reconnect with God. The profession of faith is also a personal acknowledgement from the individual that through faith and the knowledge of God’s grace, a deeper Christian walk is desired. Both the confirmation and the profession of faith are done after membership classes with the new members and the Minister and Session.


At First Presbyterian Church Kenora we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion four times each year and occasionally during Passion Week. We celebrate Communion, through the breaking of bread and drinking of wine or grape juice, and this celebration reminds us of the Grace of Jesus through his life death and resurrection. In Communion we are reconciled with Jesus and with each other; we are strengthened to go out into the world as messengers of hope and peace.


Each week we share in the written and spoken word of God through a message delivered by either our Minister or someone appointed by the session or Presbytery. Sermons are biblical, topical and are always delivered through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit who touches lives through the power of God’s word.

If there are questions, please contact us at First, [email protected] or ph (807) 468-9585 .