
We begin our services with pie and coffee at 12:30 (optional but irresistible)  12:30.  Service begins at 1:00.  Come and enjoy worship through the Scripture, hymns and prayer.  We are doubly blessed to have both an organist and pianist.

Our church building continues to be shared with St. Luke’s United Church.  This arrangement continues to be advantageous to both congregations.  They have been with us for over a year and we are happily accommodating each other in all relevant matters.  It is good to share and that includes some services, early brunch and good fellowship. We look forward to continuing the sharing for as long as the need is there.

Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D) is important to our congregation and through the leadership of Chris Paull we have raised over $5000 in this past year towards the special fund called “Peacemaker”.  In addition we also continue with the regular funding of PWS&D and Presbyterian Sharing.  In the past year we were also able to contribute to some of our local organizations such as “Better at Home”.

The Canadian Food Grains Bank will be the recipient of any funds from our upcoming 100 Mile Dinner on October 3, 2015