

The Presbyterian presence in the B.C.Peace Country began in 1919 when Alwin Holland landed on the banks of the Peace at the Old Fort, climbed the steep 1,000 foot hill behind the trading post to take up land on the plateau above.

He was a teacher, a surveyor and a staunch Presbyterian.  Upon discovering no Kirk (Scottish name for Church) he at once began holding “Sunday Church Meetings” in his home. The Presbyterian Church had come to stay in the North Peace.

Stories of a young student minister, Ian Mackinnon, who in 1922 came from the East to the Peace to work under Rev.J.P.Henderson of Pouce Coupe.

Ian bunked in with Mr. Holland and was soon riding horseback, holding Sunday School and church services.  The history talks about how vicious the mosquitoes were and how thankful Ian was to have fly dope.  He wrote the names of all the families living along the Peace between Fort St. John and Hudson’s Hope. There were 200 people including children. 

Then early in 1932 Rev. Burch came to Fort St. John.  “ It was early in 1932 that I went to Fort St. John.  I was driven up there by the deaconess, Hazel MacDonald, of Pouce Coupe, in the cold of a Fort St. John winter—no bridge over the Peace River then –we used the ice, and barge ferry later.” 

He talked about holding Church Services in the local hall, –a log building, heated by a big iron stove.  Attendance varied from 1-20. He recalled that there was a man from the East (community of Sunrise) who played the guitar.  Part of the story consisted of Rev. Burch walking with the Anglican rector to Hudson’s Hope, rafting down the Peace and on one occasion swimming the Peace River. Rev. Burch returned to Ontario in late 1932.

In June of 1935, Robert Ogilvie, Chairman of the Board,  donated an acre of land for Church purposes. 

In the Spring of 1937 an agreement to build a Church was signed by Messrs. D.P. McKay; E.F Cuthill, and Alwin Holland on behalf of the Church and Mr. H. Downey, builder/contractor.  The building was to cost $1180.

On July 18, 1937 the Church building was dedicated, a beautiful little Church, built on Gothic lines—a prayer answered—a dream come true.

In 1939 Alex MacSween, a student Minister, persuaded Rev.Minor Simpson to come to Fort St. John and it was Mr. Simpson that named the Church “Burch” .  He remained for about a year 

During the war years there were no ministers that came this way so the

Church was closed.  The Ladies Aid remained active with most of their efforts going into comforts for overseas. 

In 1945 the Church re-opened when Rev. John Carson and wife Lillian arrived.  Pews were built by Peter Cox and his wife Myrtle made a scarf and pulpit cloth.  The building was wired and a stove donated by Mr. Ed Cuthill. The floor was oil stained and varnished and the Ladies Aid’ purchased a pump organ, a communion set and Church record books were purchased.

The landscaping of the Church grounds was undertaken by Pete Jarvis who worked the grounds and planted potatoes as well as contracting to build a fence around the garden plot.  The women hoed and cared for the plants and harvested the crop which must have been a good one—they realized $25.00 for their efforts. The next year the grounds were seeded to lawn. 

Now it was time to build or buy a “manse”.  The “manse fund” was begun with a $15.00 donation from Ruth Brown, daughter of Dr. Brown.  A house was found in Taylor Flats and Ed Cuthill loaned $150.00 to make the purchase and moving of the house possible. 

“Poor as a church mouse” was certainly the description of this congregation in terms of money—-yet each need was met as it arose.  Mission giving was always part of the work, even when the needs of the Church were so great.

John and Lillian Carson were both musical and the Junior and Senior Choir and rhythm band flourished. Olive Lutz assisted Lillian in training the rhythm band.   Music became a major part of the worship of the Church.  The Senior Choir and the Rhythm Band took top honours at the North Peace Music Festival.

In July 1949 Rev. George Dobie and his wife Helen came to the Fort St. John charge and while he was here the work on the Alaska Highway began.  Two deaconesses, with a van provided by the Women’s Missionary Society traveled the long, dusty road each summer, holding Vacation Bible Schools and Church Services.

The Presbyterian Church in Fort St. John was a Community Church.  The majority of people attending were from denominations not holding services in Fort St. John at that time.  It was a busy congregation in a fast growing community.  Oil and gas, forestry and agriculture were all on the increase.

In 1954, Rev. Stan Self and his wife Christine came to fill the vacancy.  He was also a self made plumber and carpenter.  Actively involved in assisting Rev. Self to add on the 24 foot extension to the Church were Messers. Harry Allan, Carl Lutz, Roger Ventress, and Newton Thompson.  Rev. Self was also active in the volunteer fire department, minor hockey and basketball.

1955 was a year of growth. Rev. Self baptized 25 infants and the Sunday School had 100 children in attendance.  Stan and Christine Self stayed with us until the spring of 1956.

Bill and Lois Duffy had been appointed by the Mission Board to serve in Fort St. John. It was decided that there was a need for a hall to compliment the Church.  A committee was formed.  About that time there was change afoot and the United Church opened in Fort St. John.  This cut the congregation to a handful and the need to re-evaluate plans.  After much prayer it was decided to build the Kirk Hall.  The newly appointed committee consisted of George Raaschou, chair, Doug Matheson, secretary, Marguerite Davies, Harvey Freeman and Ken Hunter.

We were on our own again as Bill Duffy and Lois had been moved to Ottawa.  Elections were held and the following were elected as Elders  Harvey Freeman; Bob Curiston; Ken Gardner; Floyd Readman; D.E. (Ed) Smith and Jake Neufeld.  Under the guidance of the Session it was decided to spend a month each evening in prayer for guidance.  No one led—people prayed silently and often stopped in for prayer before going on to an evening meeting or social affair.  It was agreed that, if a certain amount was in by the end of the prayer month we would proceed with the building.—the amount was reached—barely.   In faith— which was tested all the way, the Building Committee went ahead with the building of the Kirk Hall.

 In June of 1958, Mr Alwin Holland turned the sod for the Church Hall and in early fall Miss Iris Ford arrived to occupy the pulpit and is remembered for her work with the young people.  Rev. Walter Donovan took over from Iris and is remembered for his ability to dry dishes and at the same time sing Irish songs. 

The building of the hall went ahead and financial help came from unexpected sources at unexpected times.  Often in direct response to prayer. 

June 1959 saw Rev. Murray Garvin arrive and in September of that year marry Mary MacNicol, deaconess and nurse.  On April 3rd,  1960 Mr. Alwin Holland cut the ribbon to open the new Church Hall   In June it was dedicated by the Peace River Presbytery and named the “Kirk Hall”

In 1961, Dean Smith and George Reid were added to the Session as Elders

 Rev Murray Garvin commenced holding Church Services and Sunday School in Golata Creek. An official congregation was established there and   in 1963 Richard Dutka was elected as an Elder by the congregation.

Murray and Mary Garvin felt called to do Missionary work  and left to do their training in the spring.

Once again, without a minister the pulpit supply was: Rev. William Hyslop and Rev. Bazil Hartly for some weeks in 1962.

Miss Ethel MacDonald, a retired deaconess, and a sister to Janette Matheson helped out the congregation by taking Church services and visiting in the hospital. 

Rev. Larry Paul and wife Evelyn came to take over in the spring of 1963.  They had a special gift for working with young people. 

In 1963 came the death of our beloved Elder,Alwin Holland and we are thankful that the School district recognized him by naming an elementary school after him, prior to his passing.

1963 was the first year that we were considered to be partly“self-supporting” which allowed us to “call” a Minister.  Rev. Larry Paul was the first minister this Church “called”.  He accepted and remained until June, 1967.  A new manse had been built in 1965, just east of the Kirk Hall.

New elders were added to the session they were Terry Batchelor; Douglas Matheson and John Meier.

July 1967 saw the arrival of Rev. George Hunter, wife Maude and two children. George remained until early fall 1968.  He designed the new sign for the Burch Presbyterian Church.

In May, 1969, Rev.Wim Janssen, wife Marilyn and family came to minister to the congregation.  In 1970 a “call” was extended to Rev. Janssen which he accepted.  In the summer of 1970 a great adventure took place on the historic Peace River.  Captain Wim  Janssen and his crew of seven young people aboard the “Peace Ark” drifted down the river 182 miles to the town of Peace River, Alberta.  The journey took six days and is still talked about to this day.   

In 1976 the Church was sold and moved to Aennofield (now a part of the City of Fort St. John) and was used for a number of years by the Seventh Day Adventists. Kirk Hall is used to this day as our Church.

As an interesting note, it appears that the discussion on changing the name from Burch Presbyterian Church happened in 1983 and included a motion that— at the annual meeting in June, two alternative names come forward to be voted on by the congregation.   There is a letter from Rev. Burch (1937)to say he was surprised to hear that the Church had been named after him and would have no problem with the name being changed.  The choices that were brought forward were.  “New Life Presbyterian Church”  and “Fort St. John Presbyterian Church”.  The latter was chosen.