Reformation Sunday

Join us Oct. 28 at 12:30 for dessert and 1:00 for service on Reformation Sunday. We will talk a bit of the “Five Solas” and all that emerges from them.

Thanksgiving and World Communion Sunday

Please join us this Sunday at 12:30 for coffee as we celebrate Thanksgiving, and World Communion Sunday.  This will be a communion service, and we will share a message on Unity at 1:00.  Our “Table” is open to all.  We would love to have you join us as we give thanks for all the blessings that we have received.

God’s Mercy

On Sept. 9 at 1:00 we will be sharing a message on” God’s Mercy.” We often speak of the Grace of God, but do not talk about the “Mercy of God” as often.  The message will focus on “Mercy” but we will consider how one may differ from the other.


July 29, Miracles of the Bible and Miracles today.  Service at 1:00.  Come early at 12:30 for coffee and dessert. Message from the Gospel of John.

Worship and Works

Welcome to the Fort St. John Presbyterian web page.  This Sunday we will be sharing a message on “Worship and Works.”  Join us if you can.  Come early  for  Coffee and Dessert at 12:30 and Service at 1:00.