Canada Day

Join us at 1:00 as we mark Canada Day through a message of prayer for wisdom in our leaders – both in government and in our churches. Come at 12:30 if you might enjoy some coffee and dessert.

June 24 Service

This Sunday’s service we will focus on the “Greatness of God.”  Part of the text will be taken from the  Psalms and from the letter to the Ephesians. Coffee and conversation begins at 12:30 and a message is shared at 1:00.

Sherry McDonald, Jerry Attachie and Rev. D. Ollerenshaw

Apr. 15/18 Blanket Ceremony

Palm Sunday

Mar. 25 we will enter into Palm Sunday and Holy Week which follows. Join us beginning at 12:30 pm for coffee and dessert. A message will follow based on Mark 11:1-11 Jesus Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.


Join the congregation at Ft. St. John, B.C. Feb. 18/18 for a message concerning the First Sunday of Lent.
This will be a Communion Service. Coffee and dessert are served at 12:30 pm and the service begins at 1:00pm

On Eagles Wings

Feb. 4 we will serve coffee and dessert at 12:30 and provide a service at 1:00. Our focus this week will be “On Eagles Wings” Scriptural basis Isaiah 40:21-31.

Jan. 14/18, 1:00 pm Service

Jan. 14/18 our message will be centred around the presence of the Holy Spirit in both sacraments instituted by Christ. Those two sacraments are baptism and holy communion. Our coffee and dessert time is 12:30 pm and service is at 1:00pm.
Join us for a Spirit filled message.